A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 258

A Cue for Love chapter 258

When He Sees Your True Face

Natalie wanted to teach Andre a lesson—he would suffer after cutting off his relationship with Cecilia.

After a while, Cecilia hastily parted way with Natalie, for she was worried that she would lose her composure at the Leister family’s party.

“Are you sure you don’t need my company?” Natalie asked.

“I look ugly when I cry.” Cecilia forced a smile and said, “Please don’t let me look ugly before you. Rest assured that I’ll accept the reality after having a good cry at home.”


Natalie nodded in response.

“Natalie, has Samuel seen your true face?”

“No,” Natalie responded, “I never took off my mask before him.”

“What? You never did it?” Cecilia looked at her in disbelief. “I must say that Samuel is indeed discerning. When you’ve finally taken revenge and can take off your mask, he’ll surely think he has stumbled upon a treasure.”


sure how Samuel would treat her when she finally took off

one step at

all, no one can tell that I’m not Yara except Clayton

alone again after

far from Natalie, Susan and Phoebe seemed to

the Leister family, while her father was merely her mother’s bodyguard. After the two of them fell in love, her mother kicked up a huge fuss and begged until her father


part of the Leister family, her status was far too low compared with Susan. Even though Phoebe was three years older than Susan, she became Susan’s lackey and had to act

seen her before, have we? How can she have the cheek to let Samuel court her? Humph! The

has it that Samuel’s not interested in women. Could it be

Susan got angrier as she spoke. “Samuel admitted himself that he’s courting


at the party—Natalie probably was Samuel’s secretary. Hence, she couldn’t believe her ears upon hearing

ordinary-looking lady, will he fancy me one day? After all, I’m a lot more beautiful

once I was told about it. I believe that woman must have done something to seduce Samuel! Humph! I swear to humiliate her at

treated her like a maid. Surprisingly, Phoebe didn’t feel repulsed at that moment but rather excited to do

chance to be with Samuel after they cooperated to get rid of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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