A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 259

A Cue for Love chapter 259.

Vengeance On Scumbags 1

“An orphan?” A woman in a cream-colored dress snorted.

Those who could attend Susan Leister’s birthday celebration were influential figures in Chanaea. An orphan with no background and no one to support was at the bottom of the social pyramid there—Natalie was an outlier.

“Ugly and an orphan! How can she be with Mr. Bowers?”

“What’s the matter with Mr. Bowers? Even if he’s only picking a secretary, he should pick someone with a better look!”

“And here I thought she had some kind of mysterious family background!”

The women were chattering away, completely ignoring the fact that Natalie was there.

She wanted her to be laughed and mocked at by the other socialites. It would delight her most if Natalie were to lose her temper and

not have to do anything as Natalie embarrass herself. Susan was sure that Samuel would be extremely disappointed in her if


it was a good plan, Natalie’s reaction was completely different from what Susan thought it would

continued to sip on her red wine,

women saw how calm Natalie was, they lost interest in

socialites were cruel, noisy beings. Although they still looked at Natalie with disdain in their eyes, they had all quietly decided to

fallen into her trap, the glee disappeared from

between Natalie and Susan. With just a glance, she

at Ms. Natalie for being an orphan. If she’s capable of being by Mr. Bowers’ side, it

the last bit of her wine, Natalie turned to look at

those who only know how to mock others. So, she knows how to be subtle and how to dig a grave for

and continued watching, waiting

at the empty glass beside Natalie, she smiled and said, “It seems like you like wine a lot, Ms. Natalie. You must be well-versed in it, then. It’s Susan’s birthday celebration today, and everyone’s a little bored of the music

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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