A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 339

A Cue for Love Chapter 339


When Melissa heard a long pause from the other end of the phone call, she suddenly realized she was being too pushy.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound overly eager.”

“Oh, it’s fine,” Yandel quickly replied. “You can find me on WhatsApp using this phone number.”

“Really?” Melissa leaped in thrill. So it’s not just me! He likes me too!

“Yeah. I’ll be waiting.”

Yandel suddenly got goosebumps, but it was not like he had a choice. He was commissioned to do this, so he could only continue the awkward conversation.

He could not help but wonder how two siblings could be so different.

Meanwhile, Melissa was so engrossed in her happiness that she had no idea what Yandel was thinking.

immediately added him on WhatsApp. When she saw that Yandel read her message immediately, she felt all fuzzy

him once he professes his love to me.

her thoughts run wild. She did not sense her mother walking

talking about? Is it Yandel Moss of Dream Corporation?” Yvonne

she heard someone’s

“Answer me.”

softly. “Mom, I know what I felt. I’m sure he has

was way more experienced and careful than

“Tell me what happened.”

A smile gradually curved on Yvonne’s lips as she listened to

were elements of exaggeration, and

seems like he

take after you, so there is no way he won’t fall for me,” she said confidently. “But I feel like Dad doesn’t

if you can marry him. Then, you will have both Dexmed Pharmaceutical and Dream. You will get the best of both worlds. I can’t wait for

nodded in

stroked her daughter’s cheeks fondly. She was genuinely happy

not manage to completely sway Yara to her side. Although Yara respected her, she was still not Yvonne’s own child, so they were not

place her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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