A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 340

A Cue for Love Chapter 340

Uncanny Deaths

As time went on and the people kept following them, Ross began to feel unsettled despite how Natalie assured him that it was no big deal.

“Are you really just gonna let them be?

“Yeah,” Natalie said, retracting her gaze. “I’ll take a nap, Ross. I’m a little tired.”

She rested her face on her hand and closed her eyes, dismissing the people behind their car.

Ross looked at her sleeping soundly from the rearview mirror. He found it funny that she could still be at peace in this situation.

This was the first time he met someone who was able to hold her calm like this.

In hindsight, Ross had grown to respect Natalie more after working for her for so long. She was the one who extended hope to him, pulled him out from his aimless life, and gave him a job at Dream Pharmaceutical. If it were not for her, he would still be drinking and smoking, closing himself up in his room like a useless person.

Because of this, he was grateful and protective of Natalie. He would readily put up a fight if anyone crossed Natalie.

After Natalie knew that Yara had been keeping tabs on her, she stopped going to Dream. She communicated her work either through phone or email.

was an ambitious and promising company, but it still did not have a long history. Since it did not have a legacy to fall back on, the company still

departures were too sudden. Thomas and Yvonne were merely that person’s puppets, and Natalie would not have known about it if she had not come

warned Natalie to be low profile with her medical knowledge and asked her

this letter, Natalie realized

for the Nichols family, but to her dismay,

did not have a good time with her family, and Dream was all she had. As such, she did not want to reveal herself

she spent her time doing some research on dissection at the Major

She was with her at the cafeteria and was even reluctant

having, Boss?” she asked Natalie, flashing her a big smile. “I want to have a meal

“your grandpa keeps

on setting me up with someone else. Of course, I wouldn’t be that reluctant if those


love me

without even thinking. “you should find yourself a

right. I’ll tell Mr. Jones to look for someone just


chatted as they headed to

the Forensic Department after she graduated. Given the nature of her work, she was not very street smart. As such, she did not realize that a man was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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