A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 478

A Cue for Love Chapter 478

Special Treatment From Him

“No,” Yandel lied.

Yandel turned around and spotted the rabbit-shaped apple slices on the plate. “This hospital has such good service. Do they even cut the apples like this now?”

“It wasn’t the hospital.” Natalie rolled her eyes. “Mr. Nine was the one who cut it. His cutting skill is not bad at all. All the rabbits looked lively.”

“Did he cut it himself?”

Holy sh*t. Bastien was the ninth prince in line of succession in Loang, after all. How could he do such a thing for Natalie? It’s unbelievable! What kind of special treatment is this?

Yandel’s jaw dropped in awe. He could not wrap his head around it.

“Do you want to eat too?” Natalie passed a slice of apple to him. “Here.”

cut it for you. You should eat

look strange today. What’s

his words. “I just felt that this man is dangerous. Boss, maybe you should keep

had other intentions

he wanted to prevent Natalie from getting involved in the dispute over

concerns. “Don’t

the apple, Natalie enquired about

a big deal for Dexmed Pharmaceutical, it should take Thomas a lot

“No, he isn’t really.”

aback, thinking that she might have heard it

same previously, that Thomas would use Dexmed Pharmaceutical’s money to pay his debt, and he would have a hard time with the cash flows problem. But it turns out it is

shouldn’t be the case! Did I underestimate Thomas? Is

thought. Maybe he deliberately

frustrated. “It seems like I have underestimated him. Back then, he was able to snatch all the Bayer

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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