A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 479

A Cue for Love Chapter 479

Examine Your Injury

Natalie knelt down and frowned. “What about the surveillance footage?”

“Mommy, the server of the black market is well hidden, and it is complicated to hack into. I spent a long time and successfully hacked into their surveillance system. I discovered that something was missing from the surveillance that day. That was the part you asked me to delete.”

Xavian’s fists clenched tightly as he mentioned it.

He had put in his blood and sweat to hack into it. Yet, his effort turned out to be in vain.

“Did you mean they didn’t record it? Or someone else had deleted it?” Natalie pressed on the issue.

“I am not sure.” Xavian shook his head. “I tried to recover it, but I failed. And the other party seems to have added anti-directional tracking. I was afraid they would find me, so I immediately backed out. Mommy, I’m sorry, I screwed up the task you gave me!”

Seeing Xavian’s darkened expression, Natalie rubbed his head.

“Silly boy! There’s no need to apologize. You are brilliant.”


Natalie smiled. “You

years ago, if it were not for them, she would not even

night, Samuel

bedroom door, he saw Natalie wearing her white robe and

illuminated her tiny face softly, and her hair was scattered around her. Even though she was wearing a mask, beauty was her nature. Her


compare to

leaned on the door, staring

eyes got tired from reading. She lifted her head and rubbed her eyes. Only then did she realize Samuel was

you come in?”

just got back not too

unbuttoned his shirt and strolled into



hid her hand under

one did not observe closely. She figured it would

Natalie. He stretched his arms and hugged

his shirt, revealing his Adam’s apple and sexy collarbone.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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