A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 507

A Cue for Love Chapter 507

Like An Angry Puppy

After he had changed, Ross made an excuse and left the private room, leaving Natalie and Samuel sitting on the sofa inside.

Natalie kicked off her heels and curled her legs onto the sofa before running a finger underneath Samuel’s tense chin. “Didn’t you say that you trusted me? Why are you still jealous?”

After she gently stroked his jaw with her slender hand, he grabbed it instead.

“I realize it too.”

“Since you do, why are you still reacting this way?” Natalie was puzzled.

“You’ll have to ask yourself that,” Samuel replied coldly as he turned his face away.

“Ask myself?”

Samuel pinched her cheeks next, causing her to pout in reflex.

“Even though my mind is clear and I trust you more than anyone else, I still feel outraged.” Samuel asserted, “You belong to me. And yet, you made close physical contact with another man.”

This really sounds unreasonable.

Natalie felt the urge to laugh, she didn’t dare

Ross hadn’t supported me, what would’ve happened if I had a bad fall?” Natalie blinked at

Samuel’s expression darkened

Natalie enjoyed the

unwavering. In fact,

intimidating when he’s jealous. Instead, he

a terrifying look on

can’t do without me.” Natalie

think you control me now?” Samuel shook her face

“Isn’t that the truth?”

Not only did she control him, but she also had him

a consequence for having me on a


he meant,

Samuel had begun to feel jealous the moment she clapped for Ross. He had wanted himself to be the only man she was concerned with, which was an extreme and to a certain extent insane

every time he saw her,

had spent the previous night making love, both of them still shared a long and passionate

the second half

lips, they were both red and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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