A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 508

A Cue for Love Chapter 508

A Little Crazy

During the second half, Yara had already changed out of her stained gown. Nevertheless, she was unable to recover from the earlier shock and still had an ashen look on her face.

Even though she had found out that Natalie was the chairman of Dream, the sense of familiarity Natalie gave her continued to unsettle her.

It felt as if Natalie didn’t die and had simply changed her appearance. Can it be a side effect of the fire? Did she tell Samuel about what happened between us? Does Samuel know that Natalie had used her body as an antidote for him six years ago?

Overwhelmed by all the questions that flooded her mind, Yara suddenly felt suffocated by them.

Therefore, she could barely pay attention to what the host was saying on stage.

At that moment, Thomas nudged her with his elbow and murmured, “It’s your turn. Get a grip of yourself and don’t disgrace me.”

stage in a daze, she stared at the crowd down below and began

with passion. However, she had no idea what she was talking about at that moment. She simply relied on her memory to drone on with a listless look on her

it was obvious to the audience

sister is the spitting image of you.

a sip of coffee, Natalie continued, “Unfortunately, instead of developing them, she kept pursuing what was out of her reach. As time


chosen would definitely do a good job writing it.” Natalie put the coffee back on the table. “Initially, I assumed that she

watch the speech delivered by Dream’s representative and also Natalie’s

regrets. As for Yara, he

his brittle teeth didn’t allow him

result, Natalie cracked them for him as both of

shoved some of them into his hand, Malcolm asked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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