A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 524

A Cue for Love Chapter 524

The Group Photo

Clayton’s words really touched Malcolm. Natalie used to call him “Old Man” and teased him. Hence, it never came to his mind that she would compliment him in the face of her kids.

“Ha! Did you hear that? I’m not lying to you. I’m really your daddy and mommy’s master,” Malcolm asked gently.

With that, Franklin and Sophia greeted him courteously, “Mr. Trevor, nice to meet you!”

Malcolm was tickled pink at the twins’ mellifluous voice.

Shortly after, he distributed the local food products from the highland to all of them before heading toward the counter to order six sets of kid’s meals. Four out of the six sets were for the four kids, whereas he needed two sets to fill himself up.

The unique sight of a white-haired elderly with four adorable kids was undoubtedly an eye-catching view in the fast-food restaurant. There were even reverberations of the customers giving compliments in the entire place.

must be the elderly’s great-grandchildren! He’s really blessed to have kids with such good

you! I can barely take my eyes off the girl! She’s even prettier than other child

exceptionally sweet and adorable at such a young age. I’m


in his mouth, he wiped the tomato sauce off his lips and cut the crap. “Franklin, Sophia, who is your biological mommy? Has she ever visited

breath as they

their necks, the duo asked inquisitively, “Yeah! I seldom hear you

trembled uncontrollably. As a result, some corns

of inexplicit uneasiness, she did not know how she should answer any question about

replied nonchalantly, “We’re clueless about that too! I’ve only heard that Daddy doesn’t like her. Anyway, she

reluctant to talk about Yara. Thus, he would rather lie

added, “Franklin is right. That’s

moments. He let out a deep sigh and consoled the twins, “It’s all right. I believe there will only be joy and happiness in your life from now onwards. All of you have a complete family now with your daddy and mommy. Other than that, all the others around you,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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