A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 525

A Cue for Love Chapter 525

Have You No Shame

Meanwhile, Kenneth was enjoying a live opera performance.

As the climax approached, he accidentally took a glimpse of his phone and noticed that he had received a message from an old friend who had been out of touch for a long time.

So, he waved his hand and gestured for the singer to pause, promptly silencing the band and orchestra.

After that, he took a sip of tea and calmly swiped his finger across the screen to find a photo of an old man with four kids.

As soon as Kenneth saw that, he immediately spat all the tea out.

He had seen Malcolm Trevor’s face before that, so he naturally recognized the man.

However, Kenneth was surprised that he actually recognized the kids as well.

them were two of his great-grandchildren, as well as Xavian and Clayton, who

the four of

the photo,

two great-grandchildren, but I have four!

Kenneth was completely caught up by the message and ordered the butler to get a car ready. “I’m heading over right

Sir, what

no longer interested!” Kenneth’s mind was consumed by the photo and no longer wanted to continue with

of what was going on. He thought that Kenneth had some urgent business to attend to, so he quickly arranged for


could hear the blaring music of a fast-food restaurant as well as the

“Where are you now?”

I’m enjoying fried chicken and fries at a fast-food restaurant,” Malcolm

so much interested in Malcolm’s situation. The only thing on his mind was the four kids and why


me that much?” Malcolm smugly said after he swallowed the French fries in his mouth. “I’m at the McDonald’s on Jennen East Street. It’s good that

wait right

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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