A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 536

A Cue for Love Chapter 536

Will She Lose Badly

Kenneth was delighted because all four of his great-grandchildren were cute and outstanding.

“Get some candies, ice-creams, and cakes for the kids…” The butler quickly ran into the kitchen upon listening to Kenneth’s order.

Apparently, Kenneth was very fond of them.

However, Natalie couldn’t agree with Kenneth’s overindulgence toward the children and argued determinedly, “Old Mr. Bowers, since Franklin and Sophia are still young, they might become obese from eating too much sweets. Besides, the food isn’t good for their health, and they might get tooth decay.”

Kenneth refused to heed her advice and said overbearingly, “It’s okay. I’ll be happy as long as they’re happy. I don’t care how you usually teach them. However, since they’re here, I must pamper them and let them eat anything they want.”

Oh dear…

Natalie wanted to continue arguing with Kenneth; nonetheless, she held her tongue when she saw his flushed face.

Once Kenneth turned around to get the chessboard ready, Natalie pointed at the children, signaling them not to eat so much.


cakes were served, and the chessboard had been

all the kids, only Xavian knew

walnut cookies, Sophia murmured, “Isn’t Great-grandpa very good at playing Go? Will

of the chessboard before Mommy loses. In that case, Great-grandpa can’t win and say unpleasant words to

that Natalie was a good Go player;

which rank

can eat the cakes and watch

cakes and

player’s hand were in odd or even numbers. If the player made the right guess, he could

Natalie wanted to grab a few pieces to let Kenneth guess the number, he waved his hand and said, “No need for that. I’ll let you play with black pieces. You may start

that Kenneth said so because he

replied, “Since Old Mr. Bowers has said so, allow me to

“Sure. Go ahead.”

Natalie put down a black piece

white piece once Natalie completed her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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