A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 537

A Cue for Love Chapter 537

Shameless Kenneth

“Oh no!” Jefford exclaimed. “I’ve accidentally upset the board! There’s no way to know who’s in the lead now!”

Kenneth folded his palms on the handle of his cane and said nothing.

Natalie’s gaze darted between Kenneth and his butler and saw through their charade at once.

The wordless exchange between the adults went unnoticed by the children.

“You did that on purpose, Jefford!” Franklin yelled. “I saw you flip the board!”

“I saw it too! I saw it too!” Sophia cried, losing interest in the sweet cakes before her. “How could you do something this despicable, Jefford?”

at being reprimanded by young

Jefford flip the board

was the one who did it! What are

board had not been flipped, Mommy would have been

in the stunned silence, Kenneth

of the game he’s not a part of! How did

with a shrug. “I remembered every move both of you

tugged at his mustache in awe. “Do

wouldn’t be claiming that otherwise.” The boy solemnly dusted the crumbs off his fingers as he spoke. “I can even do it right now if you like. Mommy used to beat her master too and he would flip the

Natalie in

Even if I came to the match fully prepared instead of underestimating her, I might not even be able to win. What a spectacular display of skill. Every step seemed disconnected and casual until the intricacy and patience of her plan

ascertaining one’s true character

the years offered him the opportunity to hone his judge of character on his opponents. To his pleasant surprise, he realized that there was much more to the girl than he had initially assumed. Ever patient, she did not attempt to fawn all over him like he was accustomed to. Every move she made was calm and

discovered a newfound

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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