A Gift from the Goddess

Chapter 117: Book 2 - Chapter 9 

"Are you ready to follow the rules now?"

...Rule number one...obedience.

Always follow the orders from the boss.

No questions asked.I'd broken that rule.I knew I was breaking it the moment I’d chosen to run that night.I knew it would land me here.And yet I still did it.I pulled my body upright from the old bed, more sluggish than I would have liked, and hated how] still felt so sore from the injuries inflicted several days earlier.

‘Days’. That was the key word.

That was how long I’d been trapped in here, alone with my thoughts as it forced me to reflect on every decision I’d made leading to this point.

Because, at its core, that was the true punishment.

It wasn’t the pain.

No, that was always over quickly.

Gavin did a great job of making sure the damage inflicted was swift yet efficient.

Always enough to get the point across and never seeming to even flinch as h e did what he did.

But it was the psychological punishment that truly made it horrific...

‘Days’.I'd been in here...for days.


In pain.

Wondering how I’d managed to convince myself that running had been worth it.

Wondering how much longer it would take before punishment was finally over.

And now this was the first thing spoken to me after all that time.

This voice of my father on the other side of the door, asking if I was ‘ready to follow the rules’.

Yes, I was ready.Of course, I was ready.I was about ready to do anything, to say anything, if it meant finally getting out of here.I’d learnt my lesson the minute Gavin had ripped me from my bed.

There was only one authority in my life and that was my father.

It had always been my father.

..Someone I just wanted to be free of.I forced that thought away as quickly as it sprung to mind.

It was thoughts exactly like that which led me t o this moment.

Testing the patience of a man who had none.I wasn’t exempt from the rules because of our relationship.

If anything, this punishment had been necessary.I’d clearly become too complacent in its absence and needed the reminder.

Really, it was my fault.

All my fault.

"Raven?" prompted my father.

Slowly, I swung my legs out of the bed and stood up, taking a deep breath.

The first one I’d done in so long, my chest having felt too sore earlier.

..And I committed to this decision to obey.To obey *him*.

“I’m ready," I replied.

It didn’t take long before I heard it.

The sound of a key clinking for a few seconds before the satisfying click of the lock.

Within moments, I found myself face -to-face with my father after all this time.

"Good," he said, entering the room towards me.

"Because there is work to be done."

..Already? So soon? But, no, that was another incorrect thought.I should b e thinking ‘thank you’, praising how lucky I was to be given another chance.

This was a good thing for me.

A moment to redeem myself.

A moment to show that I was still loyal.

My father held out a manilla folder towards me and I took it, giving a small nod to show how grateful I was.

Forcing myself to believe that very thing.

job," he simply

know what


the hour, I had packed my things and

made it impossible for anyone to recognise me; this being accomplished via a moveable

most important things when


they did, then ensuring that they

all, no one wanted to

and swiftly started heading to the location, choosing to stick to the shadows of the night and alleys along the

the journey easier, but I'd be lying if I said my injuries

healing, I knew I would still

But I persevered regardless.

the intent in mind of proving

that nothing else

enter the run-down looking apartment complex, but as


experienced on the

wished would never

of all times.I gritted my teeth against the pain

time and I could deal with i t later once the job was

now, I just needed

so I slipped through the front door silently,

the easy part; entering the public area without being

not late enough that people wouldn’t still be around, coming home from the local pubs and

I knew this wasn’t that big of a deal when this side of town

all things considered.I hadn’t been


hadn’t wanted to press for more details since it wasn’t something I


follow the orders from the boss.No

need to undergo

my way up the stairs, choosing to avoid the elevator, until I finally came upon the room I was looking for; apartment

around the corner and somewhat away from the eyes of anyone arriving via the

head hadn’t subsided, something I was doing my best to

lockpicking the front door harder

had to hold

coming from aT.V.and smelt the scent of someone located in the same

guaranteeing the

do was

should be simple enough to complete with the new dagger I’d acquired

the floor for any weakness

Moving closer until—.

‘—you don’t have to..."

of nowhere, a faint voice suddenly spoke behind me, and I instantly crouched to

one was

had that come from? It was almost like a whisper and

were right next to

if they were close

wasn’t just

new pain pierced me and

it more difficult to focus a s I looked around, frantically trying to

for whoever had

there was definitely nothing

be heard, along with some light snores coming from the armchair in front

confirmation that whoever had spoken, it wasn’t stemming from

by the name of Noah.I persisted through the pain and stood back up, walking

right behind



was no need to cause unnecessary pain, I

have to do this...You don’t

lashed my dagger out towards the voice, hoping to silence

the intense, sharp pain it seemed to bring

make it

space around me.No, there was no one there...but I thought I knew what was

thing that had been messing with my head only

...It was that drug.

that Kieran

effects of whatever he’d done to me must have still been in my

with my work Scaring me out of doing what I needed to

of drug could do this though? Or was I wrong and I simply was just losing my mind finally? Had this last punishment been the straw that finally made me break? But I didn’t get a

the fuck?" someone

the hell are

around once more and, sure enough, there


in his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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