Jubilante, as if unaware of the discussions around him, stared coldly at Jared and challenged, “Willing to compete with me?” “Why not? It’s just that I’ve never crafted this Aksum Pill before. Show me the pill recipe,” Jared replied confidently.

“You want to see the pill recipe?” Jubilante was taken aback.

“Of course. I don’t know the ingredients of this pill, so I need to take a look at the pill recipe. Just a glance will do,” Jared said impatiently.

Although Jubilante’s expression darkened, he reluctantly handed over the pill recipe to Jared. After all, his opponent had never crafted this type of pill, and just a glance at the pill recipe would not give Jared any advantage.

Witnessing Jared’s audacity to compete without prior experience in crafting the Aksum Pill, the onlookers nearly fainted.

high-stakes challenge, and Jared seemed to be sharpening his blade at the last moment. It would

alchemy, he had never seen anyone who would check

and here he is, agreeing to take on Jubilante’s challenge.” “This is hilarious. He’s taking his life so lightly. If he can win against Jubilante with this last- minute attempt, I’ll submit to him and pledge to be

recipe back to Jubilante. “Are you sure about competing like this?” Jubilante asked again,

course, A man doesn’t go back on his words. Since I’ve made my promise, I’ll keep

bring out two cauldrons. However, Jared shook his head after a glance at them. “I have my own cauldron; I don’t need this.” “Lad, I’m providing you with a high-quality cauldron which will greatly increase your success rate of crafting the pill. Are

better reveal something good, or else he’d be embarrassing himself.” The people were whispering their remarks to each other. “What kind of proper

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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