“Your servant, Tommy Lewis, the head of the Templar Regiment, is at your service, My Lord!” “At your service, My Lord!” the few hundred members of the Templar Regiment echoed in unison. That gave Jared a great shock, for he wasn’t aware that he had such a status. “Uh… H-Have you gotten the wrong person? I’m not your overlord!” He shook his head profusely. “The person wearing the Dragon Ring is the overlord of the Dragon Sect.


There’s no mistake about it!” Tommy asserted. At that remark, a fragment of memory flashed across Jared’s mind. Back when I was in prison, Draco kept insisting that he was the overlord of the Dragon Sect. Later, he gave me a ring. It looks like it’s precisely because of the ring that Tommy claims that I’m the overlord of the Dragon Sect! “You mean it’s because of this ring I’m wearing?” Jared inquired after slipping the ring off. “Yes.

the Dragon Sect. According to the rules of the Dragon Sect, whoever wears it is the overlord of the Dragon Sect!” Tommy explained, lifting his head and staring at the ring in the man’s hand.

the Dragon Ring, not the person himself. Since you’re in possession of the Dragon

overlord. Otherwise, we can’t simply

world. However, I don’t know anything specific since my rank is too low.” As Tommy’s words fell, Jared’s shock intensified. Whoa! They have branches all over the world?

Tommy bowed slightly. He then left with his men, but Jared remained motionless. His emotions were chaotic for a long time as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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