Chapter 2161 Yet, he opted to walk past them without confrontation.

Dylan's gaze grazed Edwin, but he chose not to acknowledge him, treating him as inconsequential.

It was only after he had walked a considerable distance and turned a corner that Edwin finally unclenched his fists.

Neither Edwin nor Cecilia uttered a word.

After a prolonged silence, Cecilia remarked, “I believe I saw that child just now.” The mention of Laura remained a sensitive subject, so Cecilia always refrained from naming her directly.

Edwin tucked his hands into his pockets and offered a faint smile.

“Did you? I didn't even notice.” After obtaining the medication, Cecilia brought up Laura once more.

“I heard from Lina that she’s become a successful designer and even won a prestigious award.” Cecilia sighed wistfully.

“That's wonderful.” Edwin remained reticent, walking Cecilia back to the car, where Tina waited.

Tina was somewhat surprised.

“Mr. Evans, aren't you going back with us?” “I have some matters to attend to at the company. Mom, we'll have dinner together later,” Edwin replied casually. He leaned in, planting a kiss on Cecilia's cheek, eliciting a smile from her.

Angela's Library Cecilia couldn't resist a teasing remark.

“You should use that affection to find yourself a girlfriend. You're already 26 and have yet to engage in a serious relationship. You're not as skilled as your father in that department.” Edwin snorted in amusement.

“I'm leagues behind him." Cecilia affectionately touched Edwin's face and said, “The past is behind us. No need to dwell on it. Your dad wouldn't be pleased to hear you speak that way." Edwin smiled and closed the car door.

The black limousine gradually pulled away, and the smile quickly faded from his face.

Edwin found himself unable to explain the overwhelming melancholy that gripped him, nor could he rationalize the unease that flooded him at the sight of Dylan beside Laura.

After all, he had already severed ties with Laura, and it was only a matter of time before they each found solace in the arms of someone new.

Chapter 2162 There was no justifiable reason for him to be so consumed by this.

Furrowing his brow, he stared at the hospital's outpatient building, resisting the urge to approach it. Instead, he got into another car and curtly instructed, “Take me to the company.” By the time he concluded his work, the clock had already struck eight in the evening.

His mother had attempted to reach him twice, but he had no desire to return home.

He needed to be alone.

Edwin meandered aimlessly through the city streets at night, his thoughts in turmoil.

An hour later, his car halted at the entrance of a modest villa, the very place where Dylan resided. With Edwin's influence and resources, acquiring someone's address was a simple task.

The soft glow of orange lights emanated from the villa, lending it a cozy ambiance.

A white balustrade courtyard surrounded a meticulously manicured lawn, complete with a charming pink doghouse by the gate, a residence for a Labrador.

Edwin remained seated in his car, his gaze fixed on the villa from a distance.

He knew that Laura was temporarily residing here.

Even though that man she now lived with happened to be her agent, someone she had known for nearly eight years, Dylan was, undeniably, a man.

The door creaked open, and Laura stepped out with the dog.

She still wore Dylan's coat, paired with capri pants that accentuated her delicate figure.

She tenderly petted the dog, coaxing it into the small house.

Angela's Library The large canine adored her, lavishing her hands with affectionate licks.

Edwin observed Laura as she gently crouched down, wrapping her arms around the dog's neck, her actions wordless but filled with profound emotion.

Memories resurfaced of when they had shared a life together.

She had expressed a desire to live in a villa like this, yearning for a dog to keep her company during Edwin's absences.

Fearing that he couldn't afford it, she had eagerly offered to contribute or even foot the entire bill.

Now, she had a dog in her arms, a pet they once dreamed of owning together.

Yet, it was a dog she shared with another man.

Edwin's eyes stung, and he couldn't help but wonder if she would be willing to embrace this tranquil existence with anyone who could provide it.

Edwin could offer it, but at the same time, Dylan also could.

Chapter 2163 Edwin watched Laura in silence.

His heart twinged as he noticed her crouched down, cradling the Labrador in her arms in silence. The urge struck him to leave the car and sweep her up in his arms.

He yearned to whisk her away, to conceal her from the world.

Gripping his chest, Edwin shut his eyes.

Upon opening them, despair washed over him.

What was he doing now? The outcome was precisely what he'd envisioned. Yet doubt nagged at him. What was churning in his mind? His chapter with Laura had closed. As expected, his engagement to Vanessa was on the horizon, while Laura would find her own happy ending, maybe with Dylan or some other man.

Without a flicker of emotion, Edwin rolled up the window and drove off.

The ornate glass door of the villa swung open, revealing Dylan.

In spite of the chilly night, barely scraping 10 degrees, he sported just a black tank top and well-worn jeans, his stature tall and imposing.

Under the soft glow of the porch light, he fixed his gaze on Laura.

history stretched back

her, she was such a fragile little thing, more delicate and tinged with

was merely two

life was

with the innocent Laura, not until she entered Edwin's orbit. He couldn't bring himself to expose Edwin's true identity

his voice gentle in the

coming by

don’t mention any of this to her.” With a soft

take your medicine.” Laura had been visibly spiraling these last few days, a

2164 It had been years since

stirred a fierce protectiveness in Dylan.

entangling the Garcia and Evans families, and the

seemed to toy with Laura's

needed a moment to gather herself after

the Labrador,

shoulder, Dylan whispered, “Go on, take your medicine now.”

of water and the

was striking, her

Edwin, which Dylan had vehemently discouraged, supposedly for the

could easily toy with someone

her the glass, Dylan was about to leave for the kitchen


a beat before replying with a raspy, “Okay,” and

the kitchen, he smoked a couple of cigarettes, trying to calm the

to confront Edwin was overwhelming. How could someone born with a silver spoon have the heart to

and so

the airport to fetch her.

Laura?” He kept his eyes on

down with the change of weather. She's fine,

Lina exhaled a mix of relief and

her in Duefron by herself. We're grateful to you.” A grin

She's my good luck charm.” He

become a darling of the high-end fashion scene, her creations

Dylan benefited, too.

yet anxious, Lina reflected on

Dylan's place an hour later. Laura was there to greet


your mom's brought.” Laura wrapped Lina in a gentle embrace, murmuring “Mom”


on Peter and Laura's brother, as

Lina had more than

impending blind date had reached

year Edwin's senior, was still unmarried,

talent, though,

always wondered why Laura

with more than just a casual visit to Laura; he wanted her to scout for a suitable match. But they respected Laura's independence. Peter believed in letting Laura chart her own course in matters of the

seasoned navigator of life's complexities, recognized the affection

and Peter wished for a trustworthy partner for their daughter, someone who

Dylan fit that image.

on any

to observe for a

a homemade Spanish dinner, earning Lina's compliments. She hesitated and in the end, didn't voice

and Laura was unique, akin to a star and their agent-mutual care

shared living spaces, a common practice in showbiz. Lina, considering this, chose

Laura broke the Lull.

Her apartment was modest, a 100-square-meter

casually suggested, “There're plenty of rooms here. Mrs. Garcia could stay.” Angela's Library Laura's response was a soft,

more comfortable at Laura's. Dylan,

composure. He wasn't Laura's partner, after

a discreet sigh of

the guest room. He neatly folded her clothes and

equilibrium, Dylan patted her

He carefully packed her medications,

was a

need to go out of your way for me,

He lifted her luggage with a quick motion and made his

Laura watched him leave, her

she understood the undertones of Dylan's concern, yet their eight-year

breakup, she wasn't ready to traverse the path

apartment had sat empty for three

sparing her mother any hint of her recent

and Lina

down her bags, remarked softly, “Dylan really looks out

good to me.” Lina's smile hinted at

saying.” ANGELA'SLIBRARY Laura wasn't one for household chores but showed filial respect by brewing a fragrant tea. They settled on the dark leather sofa,

up Mark and Cecilia but decided against it, sensing Laura's emotional wounds were still raw and Likely didn't expect

news of her son's life abroad, as

a warm

brother and his wife.” Lina

lavish. They're

Laura expressed her gratitude in a

to her

in a fetal position, the pain of Lina’s words unearthing memories of

once sketched out her dream wedding dress, only to later tear the

and consciousness, Laura yearned for the comfort of the past,

in sweat, the

was real, the harsh words

dusk fell, Lina's gentle invitation to dinner reached Laura's

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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