Chapter 2171 He courteously inquired if Lina would mind.

Given the discomfort, Lina concurred, and they promptly excused themselves.

ALL the while, Dylan's arm remained a comforting band around Laura, supporting her as they left.

He knew if he slackened his hold, even slightly, Laura might crumble.

She clung to composure, refusing to unravel before the Evans family, safeguarding her final shred of dignity...

In the restaurant, Edwin watched Laura until she was out of sight.

The look of shock and despair in her eyes seemed to burn into his memory, refusing to be forgotten.

He was so preoccupied that the conversation around him, filled with remarks from his parents and the Smith family, barely registered.

Eventually, Mark broke the silence.

“Edwin, do you know Laura's boyfriend well?" Edwin, distracted and indifferent, replied, “I just know of him." Mark didn’t press the matter further.

As the elders from both families engaged in conversation, focusing on the younger generation's preferences, Vanessa expressed a desire for closer acquaintance. When Edwin was asked for his opinion, he hesitated.

The expectant eyes of both families’ elders were upon him.

He took a sip of wine and responded nonchalantly, “Miss Smith has made a good impression on me.” Vanessa acknowledged this with a subtle smile.

Edwin, excusing himself politely, handed out his business card.

“I must attend to something at the office. Please enjoy your meal without me.” Mark and Cecilia looked displeased.

They had hoped for a budding relationship between Edwin and Vanessa, but his abrupt departure and formal gesture of a business card seemed insincere.

The Smith couple, initially dissatisfied, considered leaving.

However, Vanessa, ever composed, remarked, “Career is important, after all,” accepting the business card graciously.

Edwin gave Vanessa a slight nod and then left.

Mark felt compelled to smooth things over with the Smiths.

Chapter 2172 “Edwin is really dedicated to his work. I apologize for any inconvenience to Vanessa. We'll speak to him.” The Smith couple, despite their initial displeasure, recognized their daughter Vanessa's fondness for Edwin. They didn’t want to prematurely shut down this potential connection. So, they aligned with Mark's conversation, speaking highly of Edwin and noting the similarities between him and Vanessa.

“It's beneficial for young people to share common interests,” they remarked.

Mark, keen to keep the atmosphere light, quickly poured tea for them as the families continued their pleasant conversation.

Meanwhile, Dylan was acutely aware of Laura's distress.

He sensed her discomfort with the situation at the restaurant and, noticing her lack of appetite, suggested as they got into the car, “Let's go home and make something to eat. Everything here is too rich anyway.” Lina, too, guessed that Laura must be upset after encountering Mark and his family.

She supported Dylan's idea.

As they arrived at Dylan's villa, he instinctively wanted to offer Laura a comforting hug, but she hesitated, cautious of Lina's presence.

However, Lina, as a mother, could sense that something was troubling her daughter.

Laura had confessed her feelings for aman who didn’t feel the same way.

With Edwin at a blind date earlier, Lina couldn't help but wonder if he was the man Laura was referring to.

The realization made her feel dizzy, her blood pressure rising.

The thought that Laura and Edwin might have had a relationship unbeknownst to her left her reeling.

Lina, grappling with her suspicions, maintained her composure and acted as if nothing was amiss. She escorted Laura to a guest room upstairs, ensuring she was settled before heading to the kitchen where Dylan was cooking.

Upon hearing her footsteps, Dylan paused but remained focused on his task.

Approaching Dylan, Lina offered to help while casually inquiring, “You're quite close to Laura, aren't you? Did you know about her previous boyfriend? What kind of person was he?” Dylan, who had initially intended to keep things under wraps, realized Lina was close to uncovering the truth herself.

As he continued chopping, he revealed in a subdued tone, “You saw him today. He was on a blind date.” ‘After a moment, she voiced her thoughts.

“But with the relationships between our families, it's hard to imagine Laura getting involved with Edwin. She's not impulsive and is usually quite protective of herself.” Dylan scoffed.

His voice was laced with emotion as he snapped, “She fell for Nelson Steve, not Edwin Evans. Had she known who he really was, she wouldn't have gotten involved. That bastard played with her ‘emotions, and I have to be honest, Mrs. Garcia-that's what happened.”

Chapter 2173 Lina was overwhelmed with sadness, torn between two individuals she held dear.

She struggled to comprehend Edwin's actions and worried about the future interactions between him and Laura.

Dylan, deciding to be entirely forthright, disclosed, “They lived together for three months. But there was no pregnancy, no abortion.

They've completely broken up now.” Lina was left to process this revelation, needing time to come to terms with the complexity of the situation and its implications.

Lina stepped out into the front yard, silently taking a seat. Dylan's Labrador came over, gently sniffing her hand.

She patted the dog, her head tilting back slightly to hide the tears that had started to fall.

Outside the villa, a black car pulled up-it was Edwin's.

He exited the vehicle, his eyes meeting Lina's. The discomfort was palpable between them, but he approached the front gate and knocked gently.

quickly wiped her tears, stood, and walked

G-—" Before Edwin could finish his greeting,

fair-skinned, now stood disheveled, his cheek

didn’t react,

at him, turned away. After a moment, she spoke up, her voice laced with suppressed

just play with her emotions. You pushed her to the brink. You can move on easily, but have you thought about Laura? For someone as headstrong as her, do you know how long it will take her to recover from this relationship? Her mother was indeed vile and hurt you and your parents, but what had

didn’t her around, and so we took her away. But what you've done —" Edwin, touching his cheek, looked towards the villa and whispered

broken up. It's over, so let’s not dwell on it. You've already started seeing others, haven't you?” Her gaze was sharp as she looked at Edwin, adding softly but firmly, “Even if you did have genuine feelings, you know your parents would never accept her. I

lady, Miss Smith, you met today seems nice. I've heard she's a capable woman. Just let go, Edwin.” As she spoke

didn't want to oppose her daughter's happiness, she also understood the potential challenges a relationship with Edwin

if Edwin had truly loved Laura, he wouldn't have ended things so abruptly or

Lina felt Edwin's hand

just want to


better to end it completely. It's best for both of you.” She then opened the door and stepped inside, leaving Edwin

identity was revealed, he felt compelled to see her. Was it to explain? To offer comfort? What purpose would it serve? Edwin was a man who always

might jeopardize the blind date,

an impulse he couldn't resist, a deviation

the window, silently observing the

arrival, his confrontation with


situation was a

her emotions a tangled mix of shame and embarrassment. But life would go on, and she had to carry her pain

realized Edwin's actions were mere

choose someone of his social

her designs,

a good match. For Laura, there was no longer any question of holding on. The entire relationship, from start to finish, seemed nothing more than a play of revenge, perhaps with a touch of amusement

Letting the curtain close,

stark reminder-she


and humiliation streamed down her cheeks. The shame might haunt her for years, but eventually, she would

phone then rang, displaying an unfamiliar number. It took her a moment to

fixed upon

phone persisted in its insistent ringing, and after

heavy silence enveloped the other


delicate harmony, a fragile equilibrium neither dared disturb. Finally, it

in touch with Dylan. There's no need for us

Edwin murmured, a soft plea against the fading echoes of their

a hushed tone, barely

Evans?” Edwin paused, his thoughts gathering like storm clouds, before he uttered, “Let's meet one more time.” Laura's laughter danced in a dreamy haze tinged

Is your resentment and vendetta against me merely because my mother clung to your father? Rest assured, Edwin, I'll never stoop as low as her. Never!” Laura declared, her resolve unshaken, “By

With deliberate steps, she turned off her phone, extracted the SIM card, and planned to ask for Dylan's aid in procuring a new

social butterfly; Dylan capably managed her professional

number, she mused, would scarcely disrupt

of the line, Edwin sat ensconced within his car, the persistent

the car's embrace, shrouded in contemplative

not a vice that held him captive; it was merely a habit that had recently crept up on him. His phone stirred to life


was Vanessa Smith.

the screen for what felt like an eternity, his eyes tingling with fatigue before he ultimately

elapsed before their paths converged once more. He

occurred within the confines of an Evans family-owned shopping

cradled a multitude of bags as though bracing for an imminent polar expedition despite the

pair of down jackets had found their way into her

serendipitous encounter with them unfolded during his routine

in on Laura, rendering Lina a mere specter

back from his reverie and inquired with gentle concern,

Library She didn’t bother

Laura who's bound to go abroad. In search of solace, a wellspring

Lina's retort came swiftly.

the lay of

entrusting Laura to his care! If, by some cosmic miracle, sparks of romance were to fly between them, Peter and I would be relieved

words, she

Edwin seized Laura's

disentangled herself, stating firmly, “We've got nothing to

gaze was

Observing the tenacity of his hold, Linas

once and for all. Edwin, you should let go of her hand first. It's inappropriate for

there. Five minutes. That's all you have.” A

opted to bide

the cafe, where Tina took charge, arranging

that they had Limited time together hung in the

Laura's Lips curled faintly.

Edwin made a

efficiently tended to her duties elsewhere, granting them a secluded enclave

extended pause, Edwin

eyes welled

other than Mark, and there sat Edwin, facing her and offering

his real identity? Would he have extended his apology if she had remained kept in the dark? Tina arrived bearing coffee and tactfully retreated, leaving

nibbled on her straw, a subconscious

find her voice, Edwin

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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