Chapter 2181 Edwin shifted his gaze toward Laura.

She remained engrossed in the antics of Tom and Jerry, leisurely savoring each potato chip.

Edwin mustered a smile.

“Your home cooking smells positively delightful. It's been quite some time since I enjoyed a meal of this caliber!” Internally, Lina rolled her eyes.

The audacity of it all! In the midst of it, Peter, enveloping Edwin in a hearty embrace, quipped, “Pay no heed to Lina’s chatter! Today, it's you and me enjoying a good drink together. Don't disappoint me, alright?” Edwin responded with a gentle smile, “Certainly!” As he passed by Laura, his stride momentarily wavered, his voice carrying a faint huskiness.

“Laura?” Lina's anxiety surged, dreading that their daughter might inadvertently reveal something.

If Peter caught wind of it, a heated confrontation could ensue. She didn't seek to sweep things under the rug, not because she opposed justice, but because preserving a young girl's reputation was clearly more important. She had no wish for their cohabitation to become public knowledge. Laura already bore the weight of being Cathy Wilson's daughter; if the world learned about her connection with Edwin, how could she live with it in the future? Thankfully, Laura simply offered a subtle nod.

Peter chuckled.

“To think Laura's actually a year your senior! She's such a child, still watching Tom and Jerry.” Edwin's gaze appeared inscrutable.

In a soft murmur, he responded, “But she appears at least three or four years younger than me.” Peter harbored some dissatisfaction with that assessment.

“She's been stuck at 5.2 feet, no matter how many nutritious soups Lina whips up for her, But a girl's petite and dainty stature has its charm; lends her an air of youthfulness,” he opined.

Edwin offered a slight, knowing smile.

On the other hand, Lina shot a scathing glare at her husband.

“Would you kindly engage your brain?” Peter grumbled, “Seems the tigress is out again!” He graciously beckoned Edwin to take a seat. After rummaging through Laura's liquor collection, he retrieved a bottle of premium Golden Blossom wine to share with his guest. He even tasked his wife with preparing a modest hot pot so they could partake in conversation while enjoying the meal and libations.

Chapter 2182 Lina was frustrated but there was nothing much she could do without spilling the beans.

Once everything was ready, Edwin turned his attention toward Laura, who remained engrossed in the animated spectacle.

“Why don't you join us for a meal?” he proposed.

Laura harbored no inclination to partake in their repast.

She dabbed at her fingers with a napkin and remarked casually, “I'm quite full. You can carry on.” Peter appeared poised to interject, but Lina, bearing a selection of stir-fried dishes, came to Laura's defense.

“Young girls often prefer nibbles over full-fledged meals! Furthermore, she likely doesn't find your current conversation topics all that enticing. You two enjoy your meal and chat away; we'll manage just fine on our end.” Peter couldn't help but deem the arrangement rather unreasonable.

Their household was far from an archaic, patriarchal domain where women were banished from the dining table.

Laura rose from her seat.

“I'm experiencing a slight headache. I'lL retire to my room to rest.

Peter's demeanor swiftly softened.

He urged, “Then go rest. Maybe take some pills if you're feeling really unwell” Laura emitted a noncommittal hum and retreated to her bedroom.

Lina trailed behind her. Laura leaned against her bed, immersing herself in reading comic books, pastimes as straightforward as a child's.

Lina tenderly brushed her fingers against Laura's forehead.

After a protracted silence, she inquired softly, “What's his intention?” Laura set aside the comic book she held.

She remained in contemplation for a brief moment before speaking in hushed tones.

“I'm unsure, to be honest. But I believe that once he's engaged, he should stop from troubling me any further. Someone of his stature cannot afford to suffer a loss of reputation.” CR ETE 5 a sr Koos Certainly, there had been some historical animosity between the two families, but Edwin had already exacted his vengeance upon Laura. Why persist in tormenting her? Surely, he couldn't be planning to make Laura his mistress, could he? She would never consent to such an arrangement.

Chapter 2183 Nor would Peter.

Lina tenderly caressed her daughter's hair, whispering, “No matter the circumstances, Mom will always stand by you.” In truth, she held hope that Laura would encounter someone compassionate and empathetic.

In doing so, each party would find solace, and perhaps Edwin would cease his persistent pursuit.

Exiting the room and gently closing the door, Lina released a soft, wistful. sigh.

She possessed a keen understanding of Edwin; he was undeniably exceptional.

However, he remained a man.

Men, by nature, had their own inherent imperfections, such as possessiveness or yearning for the unattainable. There he was, supposedly cozied up with Miss Smith, basking in her warmth during that chilly season. Yet, he had opted to be there, indulging in drinks with Peter.

Lina grasped the reality but refrained from confronting it head-on.

She rubbed her hands together and approached them with unwavering enthusiasm, urging them to consume more libations.

She hoped Edwin would get drunk soon.

Then she would summon Mark to dispatch someone to retrieve his son, brimming with machinations, averting any further embarrassment in their midst.

Lina possessed a well-earned reputation for her liquor tolerance, particularly when it came to potent drinks.

She could easily outmatch Peter in that regard.

Observing his wife's solicitous demeanor, Peter found himself struck with astonishment and gently patted her head as if seeking assurance.

“Are you feeling all right?” Lina proceeded to pour three modest cups without hesitation.

With a subtle undercurrent of bitterness in her tone, she remarked, “Edwin, this one's to your happiness. Your parents must be overjoyed to see you settled! Don't forget to bring Miss Smith over for a meal.

not excel in many areas, whipping up a couple of homemade dishes is

Lina mirrored his action.

of them engaged in an accelerated and relentless drinking bout,

drizzle began to descend, its soft pitter-patter creating

taking note of the

journey back.” In the blink of

glass lay askew, spilling a neat

couldn't help but express his

Ever considerate, Edwin draped a coat over Lina and gently encouraged Peter to drink more. Peter couldn't help but feel a certain wariness toward Edwin. Where had the young

and Peter were soon drawn into the drinking

descent, Peter had succumbed to the

the window, the autumn rain cascaded, drenching the yellowed, withered leaves that lay scattered across the somber gray

Edwin lingered by the

commotion from the

emerged, encountering both her parents in inebriated

mother was sleeping on her bed, while her father sprawled on the sofa,

wasn't naive enough to overlook Edwin's underlying

a moment alone

and as he pivoted to meet her eyes.

they were in private, Laura no longer

emotions, she uttered brusquely, “Leave!” Edwin remained motionless, his dark eyes locked onto hers. His intentions remained a puzzle, even to himself; all


merely a couple of strides, she found herself ensnared from

was pressed against the door, her back against the sturdy frame of a young man. Many times within that apartment, after his return from a business trip,

moment, Laura experienced

but his grasp

no part in this. Are you attempting to coerce me now?” Edwin persisted in

frame was petite, astonishingly soft, akin to cradling a


had indulged excessively, a recklessness he wouldn't typically entertain, given the complexity

in his arms, he instinctively nestled by the curve of her

me this moment. Laura, grant me the privilege to

streaming down her face as she fought tenaciously, yet found herself unable to break

summon a

visage. His countenance burned with fervor as he whispered incomprehensible words against her skin, words she couldn't fully decipher nor care to. What she did know was that he eventually pushed the door to her bedroom

against the door

reserved man cradled her face, his fervent lips meeting hers.

Laura's eyes widened.

their way

away, his voice a

don't cry.” She forcefully pushed

eyes red and piercing as they

emotions? Your objective has been achieved. I am in agony. Can't you simply leave me be, grant me some peace?” Beyond

shrouding their faces

their gazes interlocked in an unspoken

her hands and lowering his head to engage in


of their prior encounters

landed, striking his

Edwin enveloped her in his embrace,

more, he offered

not for

her, that he had grown fond

he possessed nothing else


and bolts of lightning pierced the night. Laura slowly sank to her knees, embracing herself

Edwin remained seated

windshield wipers laboring tirelessly, his

sat in

Inebriation prevented him from taking the wheel, yet he resisted any thought of assistance. He merely yearned to sit there, as close as

that it shouldn't

only Dylan and Lina

more might uncover the truth, leading to an unmanageable situation. Moreover, by doing so, he

go. He thought

Perhaps in six months, he'd despise himself for today’s


seat, his head making

2187 A throbbing headache

etched in his mind. She had wept, but

a strength

she had walked away from him

else was there to

A black Hummer hurtled toward him, its glaring headlights illuminating


vehicle, it became evident that it

the car, draped in a leather

glare pierced Edwin with fierce intensity before he ascended

Ten minutes elapsed.

downstairs with Lina and

been thoroughly intoxicated, remained unconscious, oblivious to the

exiting the building, Laura's gaze inadvertently fell upon Edwin's

feigning indifference, while

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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