Chapter 2281 “Here's your gift” she said.

Laura was taken aback, her eyes welling up slightly.

Mark, too, presented her with a gift, smiling.

“Aren't you going to accept Cecilia's gift?” Laura hesitated, her emotions evident.

She felt uneasy, unsure about her place in the house and whether she was genuinely welcome. She could tell that Cecilia had sensed something but she still chose to offer her a gift.

As she reached out to take it, Edwin's hand was quicker.

“Laura doesn't have pockets. I'l hold it for her,” he said, almost making a statement with his action.

The room fell silent.

This gesture was almost like an official announcement, subtle yet clear.

All eyes turned to Cecilia.

Edwin, knowing he was pushing boundaries, waited for his mother’s response. He was determined to be with Laura, regardless of her opinion.

Cecilia's expression shifted subtly.

Angela's Library She was affected by the situation.

Her son was with the daughter of someone she hated.

Edwin sought her approval.

Cecilia pondered. She knew she wouldn't stand in their way.

Edwin had to live his own life, and she couldn't prevent them from being together just because of her own resentment towards the poor girl's mother. That would not only keep Laura from the Evans family but also distance Edwin.

Her emotions were mixed and hard to articulate.

After a moment, Cecilia removed a jade bracelet from her wrist and handed it to Edwin.

“Put this on Laura,” she said.

Edwin, overcome with emotion, could hardly speak.

Cecilia remained silent.

Her love for Edwin was profound, shaped by their past hardships.

Chapter 2282 She had always wanted to make amends.

Laura was Cathy's daughter, but if being with her made Edwin happy, Cecilia was prepared to accept it.

However, she needed time to process this.

Eventually, Edwin handed the bracelet to Laura, who now had a look of bewilderment.

Laura felt tears welling up.

She whispered, “Thank you, Mrs. Evans.” Cecilia responded with a faint smile.

Under the table, Mark quietly took Cecilia's hand, holding it tightly.

Angela's Library They observed Edwin slipping the bracelet on Laura's wrist. The bracelet was a sentimental piece from Zoey, who would have been so pleased knowing Edwin had found someone special.

Mark suggested bringing out some Liquor.

Cecilia expressed her concern, but Mark reassured her, “I'll drink too much.” The Garcia family, tense throughout, relaxed only when the drinks arrived and Peter and Mark clinked glasses.

As the adults enjoyed their drinks, the younger ones grew restless.

Olivia soon pulled Laura outside to watch the firework show, urging the housekeeper to bring out more.

Outside, amidst the fireworks, Laura felt someone embrace her from behind.

She turned to find Edwin, slightly flushed from the alcohol, looking particularly handsome.

Laura asked softly, “Why didn’t you put on a coat?” Edwin simply smiled.

“I'm not cold.” He lit a cigarette, and then moved to light more fireworks, sparks flying close to them.

Laura, naturally timid, stepped back.

Edwin embraced her, allowing her face to peek out and watch the fireworks.

Olivia, lively as ever, ran around them with a sparkler.

Edwin soon had her join them, holding both girls in his arms.

Chapter 2283 Olivia, without any hint of jealousy, asked Laura for a gift.

Laura, unprepared, was offered help by Edwin, who suggested she checked his pocket. As Laura reached in, Edwin looked down at her with a smile, brushing her hair back and giving her a light kiss.

Laura's cheeks flushed pink.

Olivia, always playful, soon ran off.

Under a wisteria tree, Edwin kissed Laura passionately, his breathing heavy.

surprised but didn't dare move, conscious of

Laura, suggesting they find a

feeling it was inappropriate on her first formal visit to his house, hesitated to be intimate

and did not press

held her close, allowing her some

shy and reserved, evoked

Like." Their last intimate moment had been nearly six months ago, and

his embrace, quietly suggested, “Let's wait until we go back to Duefron! Then...” Edwin responded gently, “Shall we move back together when we return?” Laura remained silent, feeling it was too soon to make such a decision. Edwin kissed her tenderly, murmuring a compromise, “Then I'l move back to

Garcia family, dropped everyone off late that

in the

having taken a bath, sat thoughtfully at

embracing her shoulders, offering

broke the silence, musing, “They've been together for a while, haven't they? Did they break up before, fearing my anger?” Mark openly shared all the details of their

her emotions

her potential distress, gently comforted her, “The kids have been headstrong. I apologize, Cecilia.” Cecilia leaned

in my youth too. If I hadn't been, our paths might never have crossed. If I condemn them now, I'd be denying my own past. It wouldn't be fair to Edwin and Laura.” Their love, genuine and profound, mirrored that of

it was their son who had pursued Laura first, Cecilia saw no reason to hold the

encircled Cecilia in his arms, creating a serene bubble amidst the

held his wife close, a

prolonged silence, Cecilia's

need to do this. I'm stronger than you think!” She

sense in letting old grudges interfere with their happiness... I've grown wiser over the years.” Mark

for the lifetime she had spent with him, knowing his time

pondered the future, relieved that their well-raised son, Edwin, would be there

end marking one less year together, making their time all the

with energy, interrupted their

can we set off more fireworks?” she asked, her eyes wide

gently stroked Olivia's

the butler to help

Olivia pouted.

under the blankets!" Mark,

Cecilia hesitated, but Mark led her downstairs

with fireworks, and Olivia's excitement

at Cecilia, who still radiated

Year's Eve at Fortune

to see her, and she

Cecilia, gently drawing her into his embrace. She would always be

Edwin drove Laura home, following Bodhi's

in her

her for a walk,

Laura was deeply moved.

warmly. It felt surreal, yet she remained composed, murmuring, “That night... it wasn't

unbuckled his seatbelt and

Laura's cheeks turned pink as she gently pushed him away.


cup of tea at your place?” Laura couldn't say no, and truthfully, she didn’t want

the door for her, and

watched them, his heart full of happiness. He never imagined that taking care of this girl for

events! Sitting comfortably,

of chess? There's always time for love later!” Removing his coat,

As Peter made his move in chess, he casually inquired, “When did you two start seeing each

kept bombarding Edwin with numerous questions regarding their relationship, Laura, a bit restless, soon excused herself upstairs. Penney observed


his hand, “Concentrate!” Edwin refocused and played the game until midnight

decided not to

Peter,” before taking his coat and heading upstairs as if

bit too comfortable here?” Angela's Library Lina responded, “You're the one who let this happen!” Peter retorted, “Laura's the one who brought him here. I'm obviously

Peter embraced her.

just leave the youngsters alone.”

had bathed and was now lounging on the

was a scene of youthful


Laura turned to him.

you going back?” Edwin

“I'm staying tonight”

Laura suggested

stay. So, where should I sleep? With you or on

then said, “The sofa is yours tonight.”

that case.” Laura blushed and

a sound of pure joy. In his life, filled with business and studies, moments like this were

was a new

a playful tone, said, “Our little Laura is a year older today!

‘Little Laura? I'm actually a year older than you!”

her palm lay a delicate gold locket, beautifully crafted

whispering, “I picked

Edwin, wanting to ask about their future,

but she could also tell that she was Edwin's

had been a

he had been so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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