Chapter 2291 He set the sketchbook aside, embracing her again.

“Do you believe in destiny? I used to doubt it, but now, I feel it's fate.” He had tried to escape these feelings, but ultimately, he couldn't.

So he decided to follow his heart and love her forever.

Edwin was grateful to have found his other half at a younger age, unlike his father. They were close in age, allowing them to walk together through life's journey.

He cherished this feeling.

Softly, he asked Laura if she loved him too.

Laura was taken aback.

She hadn't expected Edwin to express such feelings. In their past relationship, such words were never exchanged.

Holding her close, Edwin said, almost in a whisper, “The past is just that, the past. Back then, we were just seeing each other, but now, I want to spend my Life with you seriously. So, tell me. Do you love me, Laura?” He acknowledged his own demanding nature.

The level of emotion he put in, he expected in return.

Nothing less would suffice.

Laura, hesitant to express her feelings openly, toyed with his shirt button, whispering, “I'll tell you on our wedding night” Edwin responded with a deep, passionate kiss...

Yet, that night, he refrained from further physical intimacy.

Laura breathed a sigh of relief but also felt his behavior was unusual, almost like someone experiencing withdrawal.

Edwin playfully pinched her cheek.

“I'm planning a self-drive trip back to Duefron. We could enjoy a leisurely road trip on our way back” Laura's eyes lit up.

“Really? Is Olivia joining us?” Given that Olivia would soon be going to Duefron for college, Laura's question was natural.

Edwin chuckled softly near her ear.

“If Olivia's coming along, should we book two rooms or three?”

Chapter 2292 She rested on her side, her head nestled into a snow-white pillow.

Edwin's warmth enveloped her from behind.

She sensed his longing for her, yet she lacked the courage for such intimacy in his home. As the night deepened, his warmth intensified, becoming almost fiery to the touch.

Facing him, Laura lay down.

In a soft voice, she inquired, “Do you need to go to the bathroom and take care of that?" Angela's Library “Do you pity me?” Edwin teased. He drew her close, gently covering her eyes with his hand.

“Let's get some sleep. We need to rise early tomorrow.” Laura thought little of it and soon drifted off, her head resting on his shoulder.

Before dawn, Edwin stirred her awake.

“What's the matter?” Laura, rubbing her eyes, murmured sleepily, “It’s still so early.

Edwin rose to dress.

He had bathed the previous night and now, bare-chested, he began to don his trousers and shirt. His lean, muscular form caused Laura to avert her gaze.

Fully dressed, Edwin approached the bed, leaning over with hands braced on the mattress.

He affectionately pinched her nose.

“Today marks my Grandma's death anniversary. Our family tradition is to rise early for the rituals.

Dad will be cooking breakfast, and Olivia is likely already up.” Laura was unaware of this tradition.

She became anxious, clumsily getting ready. She softly asked Edwin, “Is my presence here a bother?” Edwin chuckled.

“After sharing my bed, you still wonder if you're a bother?” With cheeks flushed, Laura quickly dressed. Slipping into a sweater, her black hair curled within, her complexion glowed. Edwin watched, unable to resist, and leaned in for a kiss. He softly said, “I'll head out to help. Join us after freshening up.” Laura nodded in agreement.

With a gentle smile, Edwin left the room.

Chapter 2293 Once alone, Laura hastened to get ready. Despite her nerves and clumsiness, she felt a deep contentment. What mattered more than being with the one she loved? She stepped outside, prepared for the day.

Dawn was breaking, casting a gentle light over Evans Gardon, awakening it to life.

The kitchen buzzed with activity.

ANGELA'sLIBRARY Mark was at the helm, preparing breakfast, with Olivia lending a hand, showcasing her affectionate side.

Edwin, ever helpful, joined in the preparations.

Laura greeted them.

Mark looked up, his expression warm.

“Good morning, Laura!” Feeling a bit shy, Laura hummed her greeting, offering to help.

Edwin, however, suggested, “Why not water the marigolds in the yard? The kitchen'’s all smoky, not a place for ladies.” Olivia retorted, “I've been here all morning, and you didn’t mention the smoke to me." Edwin responded, “You insisted on staying. I couldn't stop you! But remember, one day your husband will look out for you.” Olivia playfully complained, “You get a wife and forget your sister.” She pulled a face and led Laura outside.

As they watered the flowers, Olivia, feeling the chill, decided to use hot water, thinking it would keep the plants warm.

Mark noticed and was aghast.

water on plants!” He lamented, cradling a flower

her flowers are ruined.” Olivia blinked

the flowers, regretfully saying, “I'm not sure they'll survive.” He warned Olivia, “If they don't, you're getting a spanking.”

important than some flowers? If you spank me, Grandma would be heartbroken. If you don't listen to her and cherish me, that’s disrespectful.”

you learn such nonsense? You neglect your studies but pick up these silly ideas

Mark sighed, embracing her.

a grown child in the house,

Laura watched them, envious.

her gaze, reminiscent of

was grown and his

offered a gentle


breakfast, Edwin checked


Laura shook her head.

affectionately ruffled her hair, whispering “Once we've paid our respects

to rise, descended the stairs. Her late awakening, usually inconsequential, seemed

the day with

the tribute to Zoey, Laura stood beside

to Zoey, causing Olivia to giggle

words, eager for breakfast and the day's


considering his son's desire for

filled with festive goods and specialties.

butler and servants loaded these

beckoned Laura

Inside, Mark smiled

of me now, are you?" He paused,

obediently entered the study, closing the door

Mark poured tea, filling the

sat opposite him, visibly

care of you!" Laura responded with a quiet “hm” and after a moment, added, “Back then.. I understand.” Mark could only muster a wry smile. He lit a cigarette, holding it without smoking, his gaze distant, lost in thought. By the time he returned to the

end, we still end up as family.” Looking at Laura, he remarked, “Edwin is quite fond of you.

revealing neatly arranged items: two property deeds,

“These apartments are in Duefron and Czanch, both prime locations. There's also two hundred million in this account. Think of this as my welcoming gift for you. And this...” He opened the jewelry box to reveal a ruby

Mark spoke softly.

adores it and only wears it on important occasions, but when Edwin brought you home, she said it would suit a young

stood and gently patted her back, his voice

hate you or anything like that. She's just too

Laura hummed

you, Mr. and Mrs. Evans.”

Edwin. He's waiting.” Laura, clutching her gifts, found Edwin by the car, dressed sharply in a white shirt, grey trousers, and a

him the gifts from

caressed her face, teasing, “About to cry?”

warmly suggested, “Go say goodbye to my Mom. Okay?”

approach, inwardly cursed her son but quickly

Laura knocked gently.

Cecilia feigned surprise.

“Leaving already?” Laura nodded.

returning to her book,

and Mark... I can’t watch over you two.

Cecilia dismissed her.

go.” Laura hesitated, prompting Cecilia to ask, “What's wrong?” Suddenly, Laura hugged her,

her defenses melt. She softly said, “Alright, Mark told you everything. Be happy with Edwin. I'L talk to Lina

Cecilia's deep-seated pain, yet her acceptance for Edwin's

lingered, not wanting

a prolonged silence, Cecilia's voice

guilty towards me, just stay with Edwin and never leave him.” She understood her son's nature; once he committed his heart,

only promise she

eyes as she nodded

Cecilia, her voice rough with

married, you're my daughter too. Let's

and you must too.” Laura's eyes brimmed with tears,

the stairwell. Edwin

tears, he chose not to interrupt, instead stepping outside to

an arm around her in a comforting gesture, whispering softly, “Wait for me in the car.” With a nod, Laura

before he entered his parents’ room. Cecilia, hiding her emotions,

Zoey, not me.” A mix of laughter and tears

a lightness

up.” Cecilia shot back playfully, “I'm perfectly capable of cheering

downstairs and joined Laura in

her eyes still red,

little rabbit when you cry.” Laura turned her face, a hint of

chuckled, rolling down the

Edwin held Laura's hand gently, asking in a soft voice, “Do you like it here?”

talked about Evans Gardon, his

Then, he spoke softly.

than Duefron. Would

another city, stopping for a meal before

night, they stayed

into a quaint guesthouse, surrounded by local eateries. After

any couple,

ten, they returned to their room

drawing closer during the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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