Aggresive Wife

Aggresive Wife Chapter 173

Chapter 173

“Yes, don’t you know you have a daughter?”

“Daughter? I have a daughter? How many things are you hiding from me?”

Noah was utterly shocked by her words.

Madeline Grant, that wicked woman! If It isn’t because I’m dying, I don’t know how long she will hide that from me!

“Want to know how much I have kept from you?”

“Of course.”

“If we survive, I will tell you everything you want to know.”


“Yes, I promise!” Madeline nodded in desperation.

Noah stared at her and grinned.

Two minutes left.

It seemed like Madeline would not leave him alone no matter what!

“Madeline, do you trust me?”

“No, I don’t trust men,” Madeline said sarcastically.

She kept her head down, and her body was shaking uncontrollably.

Even though she was encouraging Noah to not give up, deep down she knows that the bomb could not be defused!

“I’ll take that as an indication that you trust me!” Noah pushed Madeline out of the way and ran towards the exit.

Madeline was stunned by his action, but she immediately knew what he was planning in his head.

“Noah, shit!”

How can he abandon Madeline to die alone?

“Beep, beep beep….”

out a beeping sound, indicating that there was

he could, to the staircase

on not leaving, he brought

to live, even if she would despise

“Noah Quincy!”

get up and ran in the same direction as

the staircase, a loud bang occurred, followed

lose her balance and roll

Madeline felt that her heart was


Is he…dead?

the light

not describe her

on the ceiling flickered and turned dark, just like her

as she lost her way in this darkness and was gradually swallowed by immense hopelessness, she heard a sweet and melodious voice that made her open her

I’m here

was surprised. She pushed herself up and looked


are you here?”

Am I dreaming?

I’m here to save you!” Thomas reached out his tiny hands and grasped her hand tightly, attempting to pull

held Thomas’ hand and

wanted to cry in pain, and the


arms. She endured

of the hospital’s front building

debris everywhere, and the place looked

far from the source

you seen

“Daddy, he…”

“Noah! Yes, Noah Quincy!”

explosion in the distance. It was surrounded by several people who looked like bodyguards of

the pit

his words, she had already left him. He

stared at Dylan, who was


think she

Mommy likes daddy? Why is

bury Daddy? It

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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