Aggresive Wife

Aggresive Wife Chapter 174

Chapter 174

Madeline could not help but feel taken aback when she fell into his warm embrace.

She snapped her head up and looked at him as her bloodshot eyes widened in surprise, “Noah?”

“Yes, I am. Don’t be scared. I’m here.”

“You’re not dead?”

“Yes, as you can see, I’m totally fine.”

“So, have you been watching me shamelessly searching for you in the pit?”

“No, not really…”

He felt that something was wrong with her.


Before he could react, he felt a sharp pain on his cheek.

At that moment, everything was silent.

Thomas was being blocked outside the pit as he was trying to find ways to get near the scene. He closed his eyes with his hands when Madeline slapped Noah.

Oh no, daddy!

Maybe I should go away!

Thomas sneakily turned his body but was picked up by Dylan immediately. They escaped the scene as fast as they could and hid in the car.

“Thomas, what’s up? Was it terrible? Was Maddie upset?’

“Yes, daddy is doomed! I have never seen mommy so furious before!”

Dylan touched his face subconsciously as if he could feel the pain on his cheek.

On the other hand, Noah was utterly shocked after the slap.

Huh? Shouldn’t Madeline be glad that I am alive?

receive a kiss in

slap in the

are you upset that I am alive? Why did you slap me?”

tears started streaming

my fault.”His hands

don’t want to

his arms and stomped out of the pit

like the sky

“Madeline, let me explain…Madeline…”

Madeline desperately while the bodyguards tried their best to be unnoticed in such a tricky

was slapped in the face by Mrs. Quincy, wasn’t

saw that. Mrs. Quincy

whose orders should we obey since they’re

angry and even apologized to Mrs. Quincy after getting slapped? Have you seen Mr. Quincy

Noah and opened Dylan’s

“Thomas, let’s go!”

mommy.” Thomas slipped into Madeline’s arms without

Dylan rushed to her and said, “Maddie, I believe it was not Noah’s intention for that to happen. It was also coincidental that I arrived at the right time. If I was late for one minute, we might

into the backseat. She then sat in the

as she slammed the car door in front of

gesture to Noah sympathetically, as if he was saying,

fell to the

and yelled, “Noah,

exaggeratedly ran toward Noah and acted like he was

the rearview

look like he is fine. He nearly got into an explosion, and now he fell on the ground.” Thomas put his face to the window and said

scumbag father, “Mommy, why don’t we give

backseat to the passenger

the sake

the door and

Noah had indeed fainted, and

looks like Noah has a high fever!” Dylan was secretly glad that

you’re right. Let’s move him into the car,

car is too small. I can only leave Noah to your care. Since you’re also injured, why don’t you let me drive while both of you sit at

him back, but she did not promise to take care of

into the backseat of Madeline’s car as fast as lightning,

seat when Dylan carried

had no choice but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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