“911, what is your emergency?” asked the operator.

“I found a lost child at Mont-Royal’s Park, he doesn’t talk much so I don’t know his name yet, but he needs to pee so I’m taking him to my place.” I gave her the address and a description of the child, and every other information I had managed to get out of him. I also promised to bring him to a police station after, and gave them my phone number, just in case.

He followed me quietly, holding my hand all the way until we reached my apartment.

“Do you need help, sweetie?” I asked him.

He shook his head and closed the door behind him.

I smiled and let him do his thing.

I put my bag down and grabbed my purse so that I would have my ID and everything I could need at the police station, and googled the closest police station.

“KITTY!” he screamed.

I jumped out of my skin.

I didn’t even realise he was out.

“Kitty,” he told me loudly, pointing at my cat.

“Don’t scream, please. You will scare her,” I said.

He smacked his hands on his mouth. “You can talk softly, though. Her name is Lily and she’s really sweet.”

“Can I pet Lily?” he asked.

I think it’s the longest sentence he ever addressed directly at me.

“Yes, you can,” I said. “But I think you scared her a little when you screamed. Do you want me to find her and bring her here so you can pet her?”

He nodded and I complied.

We sat in my small living-room, and I let him pet Lily for a little while.

“What is your name?” I asked.

He said nothing and continued to caress Lily’s head carefully.

“You know the name of Lily and Miki, but they don’t know your name.”

“Eloim,” he admitted.

“Do you know your last name?”

He said nothing.

Well, at least I had a first name.

“There is someplace we should go to, Eloim.”

He shook his head.

“I think your family is looking for you.”


“You don’t think they’re looking for you?”

pet Lily.”

you, you know.”

up at

likes you too.”

looked at the dog that was sitting right next to my thigh and looking at the scene

of other

He frowned.

like me?” he asked.

do,” I replied.

put one hand on Lily and another on Miki and tried to coordinate his double petting.

“We could go on this trip

“Later,” he

nodded. “We can wait a few


want to eat?”

he replied with determination.

help it, I

Miki, while I prepare some spaghetti, and then once you’ve eaten we

frowned, thinking.

with Miki, he adores walks.”


of the pet’s toys and lend them to Eloim, got up, and went to the kitchen.

instant success with both pets and I could hear him laugh

the stove and scrounge up some quick homemade sauce as I had nothing ready.

underway when I heard knocks on the door. Miki barked, but Eloim didn’t stop

door, dog in hand so that he would not rush into the corridor and try to impress

Miss. You called for a lost child at Mont-Royal?” the policeman asked me. He was tall and kind-looking. Behind him was a handsome

go to the police station in a few minutes. He’s playing with the cat in the living room.”

the room straight to Eloim and hugged him talking softly.

next to my door so that I could close it.

didn’t want him to bother the men, and took a treat from one of my

“No,” I heard from the

came to me. I understood what he wanted and gave

Miki, who complied

he gave the

“Another,” he told

treats already. This will

behind him, his father got back on

you ready to go back home?”


looked apologetically to his

him spaghetti before going to the

The man looked really strangely

went back to playing with

said again, looking between the cop and father. He looked at his son then back at

your offer and let him eat first,” he told


“Do you still need me?” asked the policeman.

the father said, shaking his

policeman then looked at me, aiming his question at me too. I was about


and we were left alone.

“I’m Mila,” I told him, extending my hand.

hands. “How did you do that?”

“Do what?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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