Chapter 179

When he grew older, he had enlisted in the army and after he had returned, he entered the company to become the president. Since then, Nicholas had been so busy with work almost every day that he did not have the time nor chance to relax in this sort of place.

Looking at his expression, Tessa was able to gauge his situation, so she couldn’t help but feel sorry for the high and mighty president.

It suddenly dawned on her why he was able to remain unexceptionally calm and contained every time she saw him, and he never seemed anxious or flustered no matter what happened.

“Wait for me. I’ll go get the tickets with Gregory.” With that, she took Gregory by his hand and queued up at the end of the line.

When they returned, Tessa brought two cups of coffee and a large box of popcorn with her, while Gregory was slowly and contently sipping the beverage that he was holding in his hands.

Upon seeing them coming back, Nicholas remained calm as he automatically took the food and drinks from Tessa.

He could accept having coffee while watching a movie, but he frowned when he saw the large box of popcorn. Why did she buy popcorn?

her opinion, popcorn was a must-have when watching a movie at a theater. It was her favorite,


giggled happily. “Miss Tessa, this

“Would you like to give it

stared at the weird-looking food and started doubting if it

acting out of character. Subconsciously, she took the popcorn and brought it to his mouth. “Just give it a try. Maybe you’ll find it yummy

to eat it. His lips accidentally grazed Tessa’s finger in the process. Meanwhile, she felt as though her finger had been struck by lightning. The

interaction, she looked around

what had just happened, and his gaze was unfathomable as he watched Tessa fleeing the scene.

movie they had chosen was a newly released film, hence the


Tessa picked the kid up and set him

when Tessa first heard that Gregory wanted

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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