Chapter 180

“President Sawyer, I’m sorry to interrupt. Maybe you aren’t aware of this, but spoiling the movie is a shameful act, let alone when doing so in a cinema,” Tessa growled through gritte

He chuckled at her comment, which frustrated her even more. What’s so funny about it? It’s normal to go along with the plot when watching a movie, so I shouldn’t be blamed for being unable to grasp the plot, right? Besides, spoiling the movie affects the whole watching experience!

Gregory let out a soft chuckle as well. “Miss Tessa, don’t worry. You can ask me if you don’t understand anything.”

Argh! I’ve had enough of the two of them! Don’t they know that the joy of watching movies ftes in not requiring us to use our brain? They should at least be kind to the producer by being enlightened at the very end of the movie and praising, “Oh, I see!” Isn’t that a better way to watch a movie?

However, Tessa broke into a smile the next instant. The father and son not only look alike, but are equally intelligent as well. Could it be that this is the work of genetics? No, I shouldn’t be thinking about all these when I’m watching a movie. I should be nice to the producers by watching the movie from the beginning till the end. Fine, I’ll forget about the spoiler and pretend that I knew nothing at all. Hence, she paid full attention to the deduction process, completely practicing the act of watching-without-thinking throughout the movie.

However, Tessa still found the father-son duo funny when they were spoiling the movie. She chuckled and shook her head, attempting to shake away the messy thoughts before she took the coffee by her hand and sipped it.

When she returned the coffee to its original position, she suddenly felt a stare from Nicholas.

she asked in

“Nothing, but the coffee that you drank

l-Isn’t that the legendary indirect kiss? What did I just do?! Come

with such thoughts in mind, she still turned to him awkwardly. “I’m sorry. It was unintentional.

responded, “There’s


coffee since the movie was about to end, so she continued to pay

was doing through the corner of her eye, she was rooted to her spot at

head had exploded and she started screaming inwardly, H-He’s actually taking that cup of coffee

seeing that, Tessa could no longer focus on the movie, nor could she force herself to respect

she had no idea if Conan’s deductions and the details of the

excruciating wait, the movie ended and they exited the

next to them. She suddenly realized that the end of the movie also signified

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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