Chapter 453 Investigation on the Herbs (2)

Edward understood his president’s wishes. He then ended the call and went to the hospital. Per Nicholas’ instructions, he transferred Remus into a VIP ward and informed the hospital of his president’s instructions.

The arrangement soon reached the ears of Tobias and Stefania.

Later that night, Nicholas went back to the main house for dinner.

During dinner, Tobias questioned the matter. “This evening, you asked Edward to transfer the old man into a VIP ward and banned the Stone Family from visiting. Is there something going on here?”

As Tobias posed his question, Stefania had also turned her attention to Nicholas.

Nicholas replied in an indifferent tone, “Nothing is going on. I just think that Grandpa needs to be in a quiet environment to recuperate.”

He did not intend to divulge what the Stone Family had done before having clear evidence on hand.

Since both Tobias and Stefania were unaware of Stone Family’s actions, they had no reason to doubt Nicholas’ explanation.

you’ll have to eat more,” she said

manner. He then followed Stefania’s example in placing food in her bowl as well and said softly, “Grandma

and immediately ate the

his wife’s bragging, which

which he complied by placing some food in his grandpa’s bowl. “You too,

result, a faint smile crept onto Tobias’ serious

continued to spread from the grandparents

his attention to his quiet brother. He felt that Nicholas was hiding something

brought Gregory

other hand, went to the study room on the second floor

came in soon after Nicholas

visiting Grandpa because they did something?” With both

looked up from the file he was reading and, with no intention of hiding the truth, answered in an indifferent tone, “Grandpa’s sudden heart failure was not from a

this ‘something’ was a gift from the Stone Family.” As though a lightbulb went off in his head, Kieran instantly connected the dots as he recalled his

time ago, Hayley and her mother had gone to a herbal store and had specifically asked for two herbs that are not meant to be taken together. Furthermore, the staff that made

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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