Chapter 454 Tessa’s Surprise (1)

Nero easily calmed Hayley down just when she was at a loss.

It was indeed true that her ultimate goal was to get closer to Nicholas.

However, she also knew that approaching Nicholas head-on would only cause him to view her in a negative light, which was why she decided to use a different tactic—visiting Stefania in the Sawyer Residence.

Coincidentally, Gregory had been spending his time in the residence as well. Hayley could show off the maternity side of her as a method to become close with Stefania. Moreover, it would serve as a demonstration that she could perfectly take care of Gregory. This was truly what one would call a ‘two birds with one stone’ maneuver.

However, the reality was often a cruel mistress.

“This is the latest AI robot that has its own voice. I know that Greg here likes these kinds of things, which was why I’ve asked a friend to get one for me. Greg, do you like it?”

After a brief greeting, Hayley gave the gift she prepared to Gregory.

Stefania’s impression of Hayley grew several levels higher as she watched how attentive Hayley was toward Gregory. With a slight turn of her head toward Gregory, she said softly, “What should you say to Miss Hayley when receiving your gift?”

they would find

a robot of this kind that only had a voice function was just too low of a standard

Stefania nor Hayley was

an excuse. “Hayley, I have an appointment for my

Naturally, Hayley would not reject an opportunity falling into

that, Stefania left the two alone in

took the initiative to walk over to him and said in a gentle tone,

and showed no interest in Hayley. He didn’t like

Hayley before running toward the music room

missed Tessa, he would play the violin as a method to

as she looked at Gregory—who was

at this moment did she realize the reason why this little bend sinister loved playing the violin. It was definitely by the

for Tessa grew sharply with her feelings of loathing spilling over to Gregory

way if she hadn’t tasted what it was like to live together. However, she did, and because she did, she couldn’t resist missing the wonderful

was all ready

informed anyone of her return yet and followed the orchestra to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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