Chapter 600

When Tessa heard his attempt to comfort her, she felt so amused she almost laughed.

She poked Nicholas’ muscular chest and teased him while laughing. “What are you taking me for. a product?”

“You’re not a product; you’re my future wife, and I am investing in my future wife. But then again, now that my future wife is working so hard, I certainly can’t just stand by and watch. So, I want you to take it with you and work hard with it. This way, even if I am not with you, having it with you means that I am by your side.”

Nicholas held Tessa’s hand, which was poking his chest, and his voice was indescribably husky and pleasant.

Tessa’s ears burned in response when she heard his voice.

She lowered her head and stared at him with bright almond-shaped eyes that sparkled. His words moved her, and her heart softened and felt sweet like cotton candy.

“You are too good to me.”

She smiled and took the initiative to wrap herself around him.

Their eyes met, and it was as though their adoration for each other filled the atmosphere with a sweet scent.

Nicholas’ eyes gleamed as he affectionately stared at Tessa while the corners of his mouth lifted into a slight smile. “Oh, well, I only have one wife. So, what else can I do other than spoil her with all I have?”

“But I’m not your wife yet.” Tessa burst out laughing, and her face blushed red.

at her blushing face, and his gaze deepened. “Sooner or later, you will

spoke, he tightened his arms around her slender waist and slowly leaned forward to kiss her

closed her eyes and

couldn’t help but be mesmerized

enjoyed breakfast with Nicholas and Gregory, then went to the orchestra for training

carry the

stand out, and the other thing was that the violin was too precious; she only wanted to bring it with her when she performed on stage one

orchestra later that day, she had just


toward her with a bright

smiled in response. She seems to be in a good mood

chat, they went to their respective practice

2 sm

the second orchestra

sa was

make mistakes, and Tessa was not spared from

to explain what he envisioned to the orchestra

he couldn’t solve, he would ask Hathaway to

serious with their

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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