Chapter 601

‘The Sawyer Group are capitalists, to begin with, and capitalists only value their interests. So, it’s common for them to eliminate the things which are not beneficial to them,

‘Exactly. Friendships and relationships are nothing in the face of profit.”

In the vice president’s office of the Sawyer Group, Kieran listened to the report by his assistant and understood that the comments on the Internet would affect the company’s image.

He waved his hand as he gestured for his assistant to leave the room before he picked up his phone, planning to discuss with Nicholas what to do.

“Nicholas, the Internet is rife with rumors that we’re putting pressure on Stone Enterprise because of the failed marriage. If this continues, it will be bad for the company’s image.”

“What happened? Give me the details.” Nicholas’ cold voice echoed from the other end of the line.

Then, Kieran told him the results of his assistant’s investigations before he said through gritted teeth in the end, “My guess is, it’s very likely that the ghost writers on the Internet were bought by the Stone Family.”

the exact guess in his heart

found out that Hayley was

was injured; she twisted the truth of the matter by saying that Nicholas sent people to abduct her because he wanted her

other information, she must have kept

truly happened, her parents were furious after

let things slide when

didn’t dare to fight head-on with Sawyer Group in the open, they were privately thinking of ways and means to

was delighted to see the other netizens going along


on the Internet, but I think we can do more than this. If we use the

and was about to call for his assistant after hanging up when his assistant came

we’ve already asked people to defame the Sawyer Group according to your orders. Their reputation is now affected, and it’s beginning to cause a ripple

monitor this, and it will be best to ask the ghostwriters to make more accusations about the Sawyer Group in order to draw out the netizens’ negative

with malicious intentions, and even though his assistant thought it was inappropriate to do this, he didn’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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