Chapter 652 A Traitor

“He was in Exelter when I last contacted him, so I think he must have disappeared there,” Janet replied. Nicholas frowned at this. “What about his tracker? I recall how everyone in the team used to have a GPS tracker on them,” he said.

“I can’t detect it. It seems like it had been deactivated,” Janet said while shaking her head. “I think we should take action right now, Nicholas. I suspect that Exelter might be where our opponent’s hideout is,” she said worriedly. He thought about this for a moment before nodding in agreement. Then, he contacted some of Cole’s men and agreed to gather at the highway that led them out of the city. They were planning to take a night drive to Exelter.

After all of this was arranged, Nicholas prepared to leave. “You should go home and get some rest. Let me know if you get any new information,” he told Janet before leaving. She nodded before reminding him to take care of himself again.

The man responded with an icy grunt before he got into the car and left. Once his vehicle drove off into the night, a victorious and sly smile spread across Janet’s face. She returned to the villa and ordered Kaiden to go to her room. Her eyes were twinkling as she gave him orders. “I want you to find men who can cause some troubles along Nicholas’ journey to save Cole. I want to ensure that the whole process isn’t smooth for him.”

little too risky? What if he realizes something?” Kaiden sounded

it’s secretive then! Don’t let them realize anything!” she hissed. However, Kaiden knew that he

Tony was an extremely buff man and looked especially stern and firm

his lips curling up slightly as he spoke. “What information do

was a kidnapping. Someone had lured Cole into the suburban area, where the routes and streets are intertwined. I got someone to scout that area, and the geography of that place is really complicated—there are cliffs around where people can sneak in from to

pointing at. It only took Nicholas a few moments to thoroughly memorize the whole map. “There are four routes to get to the top of the mountain. Let’s split up into four teams to hunt for clues in the different areas. We’ll have to remain in contact. The rest of the people will stay here to

Tony’s update. His expression was blank and cold as he sat on the couch and contemplated Cole’s sudden disappearance. Typically speaking, only the team members would know his whereabouts. Could there be a traitor among us? Nicholas’ expression turned pale when he realized how

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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