Chapter 653 Knock Knock

“What’s he doing here?” Nicholas still allowed his men to bring Kaiden in despite sounding rather disdainful.

Soon enough, Kaiden was brought into the room and Nicholas threw him an icy glare. “Why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to take care of Janet?” Nicholas asked.

“Janet was worried, and wanted me to come here to help you with anything you might need.” Kaiden hung his head low to speak in a respectful tone. However, underlying the dark pupils was a spark of evil that surfaced as he thought about their plan.

At that point, Nicholas hadn’t suspected anything. He shifted his focus to think about the undercover in their group, and he figured that it’d be better for Kaiden to do the research. Since Kaiden was one of the people on the team, others might not be as suspicious of his sudden change in actions.

“I happen to have something I need you to do,” Nicholas said.

Kaiden looked

nodded and told Kaiden about the situation. “I suspect there must be a mole in the group who revealed Cole’s whereabouts. I

man’s words. He hadn’t expected Nicholas to make the correct guess so soon, and he was also glad that he had shown up in time. If Nicholas had ordered someone else to do this, they might have exposed

it,” Kaiden agreed to the instructions. He placed all his emotions aside as he nodded and excused

other men to

air around him was hushed once they left. He slumped into the couch as tiredness washed over his figure. He massaged his temples for a while and fell asleep before

open to find that the skies were bright out. He hastily went to the shower and washed up. Once he was awake, he took his phone and went to the

practice and returned to her hotel. She was puzzled when she saw Nicholas. “Why aren’t you on

against his promises unless something important occurred. He didn’t explain too much about his situation. “Some emergency came up, but I told Gregory to

Nicholas the next day, but she didn’t say much about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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