Chapter 671 Don’t Cry, Tessa

A tremble ran through Tessa’s body when she heard that and she turned around in surprise. “Why are you here?”

“I promised you that I’ll be here to watch you perform, but I disappointed you in the end,” Nicholas answered, his face filled with guilt.

As she listened to him, she felt her eyes brimming with unshed tears. Did this man come all the way here because of this promise?

At the thought of this, his words touched her, so her tears trickled down her face, but he didn’t notice as her back faced him.

When he saw that she was silent after his apology, he thought she was upset because he had broken his promise. So, he hugged her from behind as he tried to coax her.

“Don’t be mad, alright? I promise this won’t happen again. It’s my fault for not keeping my promise this time. As long as you won’t be angry, you can vent at me however you like, but don’t be mad anymore, Tessa.”

As she listened to a man as proud as Nicholas apologizing gently in such kind words, Tessa felt that her heart was going to melt and she couldn’t hold back anymore as she turned around to return his hug and started to sob softly.

to attend her concert. She was simply too worried and her nerves were tense the whole time, so

for disappointing her and making her sad. “Don’t cry. I won’t go back on my word in the future anymore,” he

for a couple of minutes, she mumbled, “I’m not angry.” Then, she raised her head, wiped away her tears, and flashed him a smile. “I’m

face didn’t seem forced or faked, and he breathed a huge

coaxing girls and would be out of wits if she continued crying. “Was your performance

answered and was about to say something before she recalled that he was hurt. So, she immediately changed the

“I’m fine.”

Nicholas didn’t tell her the truth, but looking at his pale face, she didn’t believe a thing he

she said, reaching out and feeling his body for his

grabbing her hands and saying gently, “It’s getting late. We

to stop her, the more worried

her hand from his grip,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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