Chapter 672 The Wound Is Not Serious

“Why did you come when you’re in this state?”

With her tear-filled eyes, Tessa tried her best to keep her eyes open as she glared at Nicholas, but the heart ache in her eyes was clear to see.

Nicholas burst into a chuckle and felt the cockles of his heart warm at the sight. “I’m fine, really. Don’t worry about it,” he said, holding her hand and kissing it.

Despite that, she didn’t feel any better and drew back her hand with a long face. “It’s oozing with blood, and you’re still saying it’s fine? No, you’re going to the hospital with me.”

After she said that, she turned and instructed the driver to go to the hospital. Well aware that Tessa was truly mad, Nicholas had no choice but to agree, and he nodded softly to the driver.

At the hospital, she monitored him as he went through a series of checkups.

With the checkup results in his hands, the doctor briefly explained Nicholas’ physical condition and advised, “The patient is a little weak. Maybe it was because he had a fever prior to this. Luckily, the wound only opened up a little, and there was no infection. It will be fine after a new dressing later. Please watch out at home not to get the wound in contact with cold water.”

Tessa listened intently, and when the dressing was done, and they were finally finished with the trip to the hospital, it was already almost midnight.

little later, when they got home, they saw that Timothy and

so late?” The sight of the adult

and said in his cherubic voice, “We were

worried that Tessa and Nicholas would be in an argument, so they waited for them out of

got up from the couch and ran his gaze over his sister and Nicholas, who was smirking. The worry in his heart disappeared when he saw that

face softened

said gently, “It’s

around to leave with Timothy. They barely took

on the couch. I guess you didn’t eat much because you rushed over

alone in the living room, and he immediately

you following me? You’re still hurt. What if you made

alone. I’ll wait here for you,

he was seated. Finally, out of wits, she pretended to be fierce and chided, “You can sit here, but you’re not allowed to move

with affection, and just like that, one of them got busy in the kitchen while another watched with love

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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