Chapter 713 The Classic Literature

Out of all the charitable things that Remus had done, he once spent a fortune purchasing a lot of stolen antiques from overseas and gave them back to the country for free. Because of that matter, the netizens gave the older man his blessings as a token of respect. In the meantime, Tessa was also aware of Remus’ birthday feast but had no idea she should buy him as a present. Fortunately, she soon found out from the press that Remus had a liking for collecting vintage antiques. Thus, she began to wonder where she could buy some authentic antiques for him.

While Tessa was preoccupied with that matter, Mona was able to see through what was bothering her. Thus, the latter showed her concern and asked, “Are you alright, Tessa? What seems to be bothering you? You looked distracted in the past two days.”

“Well, there is someone whose birthday is just around the corner in my family, and he is in love with vintage antique collections. However, I don’t know where I could get my hands on one of those things. Do you know any place that sells antiques?” Tessa came clean with what was keeping her preoccupied.

At that moment, Scott, who happened to be walking in Tessa’s direction, overheard what she was saying and replied, “You’re in luck because I know a place where there will be an auction for antiques tonight.”

When did you come here?” Tessa and Mona were both surprised when

the ladies, setting his eyes on Tessa gently. “If you’re free

do, Mona couldn’t make it because she was occupied by some other plans, even though she was interested in tagging along. Later that night, Tessa and Scott arrived at a five-star hotel where she was seen wearing a gray dress with a pair of furry shoulder laces. Besides that, her long dark hair, coupled with her beautiful make-up, only served to make her seem especially elegant and gorgeous as she smiled and stood beside Scott. As soon as the duo showed up, their unique

earlier in the bar, walked up to her and greeted


sat in the first row of the seating area. Minutes later, the host officiated the event with his excellent sense of humor, successfully lightening up the

unique oriental design that immediately caught the eyes of many as soon as it was presented to the audience. The next moment, those

to be more expensive than the previous one. Nonetheless, they were all rare jewelry that could never be found elsewhere. Therefore, the place was filled with excitement

across anything that caught her eye. Even so, she patiently waited, occasionally discussing the items onstage with Scott in whispers. Soon, Tessa finally saw something that attracted her when the host introduced it to the crowd. “Now, we’re going to take a look at an ancient piece classic literature text from Xerthania. With

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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