Chapter 714 Tessa’s Secret Admirer

After all, the person, who initially wanted the classic literature, was only willing to pay no more than five million for the book, thinking that was only so much it was worth. Therefore, Tessa became the eventual buyer, who would be the classic literature’s new owner.

When the auction was over, she confronted the staff members and got her hands on her prize. She then carefully kept it and smiled at Scott in gratitude. “Thank you so much for taking me here tonight. If it weren’t for you, I would still be scratching my head, wondering what I should buy for someone’s birthday present.”

“It’s not a big deal, actually. You helped me a lot too when I needed you.” Scott reacted to Tessa with a gentle look, but deep down, he didn’t like her politeness in front of him, deeming her overly courteous.

However, Tessa didn’t know what was on the man’s mind as she was relieved to have taken care of what had been bothering her. She then decided to treat Scott to supper as a token of appreciation for his company throughout the night. On the other hand, Scott, who wanted to spend more time with her, of course, agreed to her suggestion.

When they arrived at the restaurant, they began to chat happily during their enjoyable meal. Since both of them were violinists, most of their topics revolved around music. For that, Tessa consulted Scott for guidance, asking him for help, particularly about some methods to improve her techniques when playing the violin.

get better and more precise with practice, but there is no way you can rush it. Furthermore, your current level is more than enough for you to play the violin, so just take it easy.” Upon answering Tessa’s question, Scott went on to remind her to take care of her fingers. “Besides, you might

I always massage them when I’m done with my

went on. “I heard Kathleen has been at odds with you lately. What’s going on between you

I guess the reason she opposes me is that she has a crush on you. After all, you and I are friends, but she

to ask the former

to spend time with the person I’m in love with, Kathleen is just a friend to me. For that, we’re not meant

smile, “You’re right, Mr. Brooks. Love can’t be forced, after all. Everyone

seemed to Tessa that she had expressed her love for him in the wrong way. Instead of proving her worth and fighting for the love she craved, Kathleen was obsessed with

changed the subject and asked, “Well, judging from your reply, it seems that you have a crush on someone else. Aren’t I

somehow decided to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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