Chapter 715 An Important Place in Her Heart

After hearing about Tessa’s night, Nicholas asked in confusion, “Why would you go to an auction?”

“Your grandfather’s birthday is just around the corner, and I know he is in love with antique collections. So, I went to the auction to see if there was anything I could find, which I did, to my surprise.”

Upon listening to the lady’s explanation, Nicholas was happy on the inside. In fact, he did mention Remus’ birthday feast to her in the past but hadn’t discussed it with her, thinking they both had a tacit understanding about the matter. While Tessa hadn’t brought Remus’ birthday up since then, he didn’t expect her to keep that in mind despite his grandfather’s dislike for her.

I can’t imagine she took the time and trouble to learn what Grandpa likes so that she could prepare him a present, although she isn’t exactly his favorite all the time. At that moment, Nicholas was delighted, thinking he had an important place in Tessa’s heart. “That’s so sweet of you.” He looked at the lady with a sentimental gaze.

Meanwhile, Tessa, who appeared to be slightly bashful with the man’s loving eyes, pursed her lips and smiled. “I’ll get someone to deliver the present tomorrow, so please don’t forget to sign for the package when it arrives.”

I’ll tell Edward to keep an eye

naughty boy, Daddy. Why do you always leave me out when you talk

you too, Greg. Have you been a good boy

course I have. I haven’t forgotten what you

they missed each other, Nicholas began to feel

her and even played her a song on the violin. Needless to say, Tessa also corrected the mistakes he made at the same time, but as the night was getting

toward her. Thus, he snatched the phone away from Gregory and said, “Alright, that’s enough for today. Miss Tessa needs to rest

couldn’t bear to let the child down. “It’s alright. I

on your productivity the next day, and more importantly, it’ll

closer to the camera and sensibly said, “Hurry up and take some rest, Miss Tessa. I don’t want you to tire yourself

boy.” Tessa hung up the call as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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