Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 917

Chapter 917 I’m Serious About Liking Him

As Walter listened to Eunice’s words, he raised an eyebrow at her. “Oh, really?” His tone was full of doubt.

After all, he knew his own daughter. Whenever she set her eyes on someone, she would be keen for a short period before getting bored with them; she was not a patient person.

Listening to his words, Eunice knew her father didn’t believe her as she watched his casual attitude. At that moment, the smile on her face faltered, and she looked at him seriously. “Daddy, I’m serious. I have my eyes on him.”

Among all the men she had met, Nicholas was the first who didn’t fall for her charm and had rejected her multiple times. Even if she were to set aside the desire to subdue him, Nicholas’ characteristics also tally with the requirements of a husband that she desired.

However, Walter didn’t know any of these. Even though he saw the seriousness in Eunice, he was still skeptical about it as she had fooled him for all these years.

to settle down with someone, as girls around her age had already formed their families. However, Eunice was still the same as always, mingling with different kinds of men every day; there were many rumors about her. At that time, he tried to discipline her, but she turned a deaf ear

about it, he waved her off snappishly. “Okay, stop fooling with me. Hurry up and

was speechless as she knew that he still didn’t believe her. At this moment, she suddenly regretted going overboard with playing with others’ feelings these few

her head and looked into

Walter heard her words, he was startled at first before huffing. “I’ll only believe you if you bring him

the idea of Nicholas being his son-in-law, as everyone knew that Nicholas was an outstanding man. With that being said, he would be a

and shrugged. “I also intended to bring him home. That’s why I came for your help.” As she spoke, she linked her arms against Walter’s with affection. “Please help me, Daddy. I tried to come in contact with him,

moment of hesitation, Walter eventually gave in.

bring me along with you whenever there are any events that Nicholas has participated in. I’m sure he will be tempted if I keep appearing around him.” As Eunice spoke, there was persistence in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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