Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 918

Chapter 918 Preparing for the Party

Taylor admired Nicholas to the point where he wished he would stay in his branch forever. That way, their annual company performance would outrun the other branch offices.

While daydreaming about it, he heard a cold voice ring beside his ears. “Taylor, hand out the project planner you did to the others,” the spokesperson ordered.

Snapping out of his trance, Taylor stood up abruptly from his instinctive reflex. “Yes!” he shouted.

Taylor’s shout startled Nicholas, causing the latter to raise an eyebrow at him. The others were looking at him weirdly too. Only then did he notice that he was overreacting. Then, he gave a nervous cough and handed the proposal to Nicholas hastily.

As Nicholas took it over, he reminded Taylor faintly, whispering, “Please pay attention when you are in a meeting.”

Hearing his words, Taylor was embarrassed, and he quickly nodded. Then, the meeting continued, with Nicholas preparing half a year’s tasks for every administrator. The meeting was finally going to an end when it was evening time.

attend tonight. “President Sawyer, do you need a female

furrowed his eyebrow and didn’t say anything. However, the female administrators in the room were

bring me along with you, President Sawyer? I know eight different kinds of language, along with some niche languages. I can


parties. Hence, I’m familiar with the

themselves, hoping that Nicholas would choose

know Nicholas for some time, they were swept off their feet by the capability of Nicholas. Even though they knew that he was already married, they still couldn’t sustain the fondness in their heart for him. After all, Nicholas was the man that a woman

he thought of the importance of tonight’s party, he still sided with them. “Why don’t you

Nicholas refused, as he knew what those women’s intentions were. Thinking about it, he paused for a moment before continuing his words with a hint of warning. “Even if I choose a female companion with me, it would be my wife whom I will bring along. I hope you all can get those wicked thoughts out of your mind.” This was the first time Nicholas had said such

and left after he dismissed

was pregnant at the time and had to practice in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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