Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 952

Chapter 952 The Party Has Officially Started

After saying that, Sofia glared at Eunice secretly with warning in her eyes. Seeing that, Eunice clenched her fists together and didn’t dare misbehave anymore.

Meanwhile, Tessa pretended that she didn’t hear the hidden meaning behind their words because she didn’t want to help Eunice at all.

At this moment, Nicholas was the one who spoke. “We’re a match as long as we love each other. It has nothing to do with our background. Also…” He paused for a moment, and his clear voice became a little more affectionate. “Tessa was a hidden gem previously, but she’s beginning to shine now. In the future, she will definitely be dazzling and even outweigh me. By then, I think there will be people saying that I’m not good enough for her.”

Hearing that, Tessa was stunned as she didn’t know that he would say such a thing, making her feel extremely touched. They looked affectionately at each other. Even when they didn’t say anything, their heartfelt love for each other that radiated from their bodies made the others envy them.

All the guests, except for Eunice, were giving them their blessings sincerely. Moreover, Nicholas was praising Tessa very highly with his words just now.

Meanwhile, Edward looked at his president with a face full of shock as he didn’t know that Nicholas had such a thought in his mind.

On the other hand, the others felt that Nicholas was very impressive since they knew about his noble status and that Tessa’s background really wasn’t a match for his. Yet, he wasn’t blinded by others’ vision at all.

At once, all of them praised Nicholas.

your mind this straight is enough to prove your feelings for Tessa. Please live a good life with her.” Sofia

Hearing that, Nicholas nodded.


a smile, “This little man really knows how to make people like him. No wonder Tessa is always thinking about you and always talking about

Tessa was blushing

melted when he saw that. He couldn’t help but hold her hand under the

saw that, especially the few handsome guys, they started to

she didn’t let

these two being all gooey, Louis was delighted. While narrowing his eyes, he said with a smile, “Mr. Sawyer, it’s such a rare opportunity today. We should have a good drinking session

Nicholas didn’t refuse. Then, he started to chat with the

don’t think I’m here for dinner today. I’m just here to witness your PDA. Are you trying to kill a loner like

raised her brows,

didn’t deny it either. She said with a nod, “I’m dying of

should find someone,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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