Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 953

Chapter 953 He Should Be Hers

Everyone laughed when they saw how adorable Gregory was. Jenny and the others tried the dishes and were impressed by how good it tasted. “It’s delicious.”

“Tessa, you’re not only talented at playing the violin, you’re so good at cooking too. It makes me look bad!” “Now, I’m envious of Mr. Sawyer for having a good wife like Tessa.”

All of them couldn’t stop praising Tessa. “You guys flatter me. I’m just mediocre.” Tessa’s face blushed red as she listened to their praises.

“Tessa, you’re being too humble. The dishes taste amazing.” Louis took another bite as he spoke.

Everyone nodded in agreement and were all praises for her dishes except Eunice. She didn’t think that it was that good after taking a bite, but of course, she couldn’t speak her mind in front of everyone.

were running out. Noticing that, Tessa immediately got the chef to prepare some tapas. Everyone got along well as the room was filled with laughter and

of everyone and felt like he had known Tessa’s seniors since forever although they had just met. He could join in their conversation no matter the topic and could provide his


I initially thought that President Sawyer wouldn’t know much about music

it for

as he smiled. Because of that, Nicholas had left a good impression on Tessa’s seniors. Soon, the topic shifted

questions about running a business and would like to get some pointers

didn’t reject him and was all ears as he listened to the issues that

Nicholas suggested, “Although I’ve not been in that field before, the principle remains the same. You can try doing it this way…” With that, Nicholas gave him

Marjorie was suddenly enlightened and praised him, “President Sawyer, you’re amazing! This issue has been on my mind for the longest time, but you could

how confident he was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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