Chapter 961 Could It Be Richelle?

Tessa muttered under her breath as she recounted what happened recently, ”If I have offended anyone, it’s only Eunice. Did she steal my score?”

This idea had just formed in her mind when she immediately dismissed the thought. Even though Eunice was far from amicable toward her, Eunice was still a professional through and through.

Timothy pressed when he noticed the shift in Tessa’s eyes, ”Tess, do you have a suspect?” ”No.” She jerked back to her senses and shook her head.

He was clearly unconvinced as he insisted on an answer. Finally, out of wits, she told him about her conflict with Eunice. ”Although she’s not a likable person, I have faith in Miss Sofia’s judgment. So, I don’t think it’s her.”

Since that was her opinion, Timothy took her words as is. Despite that, he still had an awful impression of Eunice, and he couldn’t help but think derisively, The nerve of this woman to seduce Nicholas!

When the call ended, Tessa palmed her phone as she furrowed her delicate brows in thought. As expected, she really couldn’t think of anyone who would target her this way.

Just then, Nicholas came upstairs because she didn’t return for breakfast for a long time, so he decided to check on her.

he noticed that she was standing in the hallway, frowning deeply while rubbing her fingers against the screen of her phone

the surveillance must be a

solemn. ”It’s alright. I also asked someone to look into this matter, and I

followed him

up after faking her death. As she had previously been through

obtained the score, she asked her father to delete the surveillance so that even the best

Gregory to the orchestra while

his account, he heard Nicholas’ usual dispassionate tone ring across the room, ”I asked you to check up on that Vincent before. How are things

told him the results of his investigations. ”I found out that Vincent was in contact

face turned glacial when he heard that. ”Who

from Miss Sofia’s Group Six,

Nicholas, and he narrowed his eyes as he instructed, ”Go and find out whether this person has any

to make the necessary arrangements. That evening, Nicholas didn’t bring this up immediately when he returned home. Instead, they enjoyed a pleasant dinner harmoniously as a

turn in for the night that he pulled her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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