Chapter 962 What Richelle Did

Despite what she said, she still couldn’t help but overthink the matter as her mind came up with several possibilities. Did Richelle do something like this because she resents me?

Little did she know that she had hit the bullseye for a part of it—Richelle really did despise her that much. However, as Sofia was too strict, she didn’t dare to do anything until an evening a few days ago.

In the vast training room of Group Six, Richelle was the only one left still practicing. She had been practicing until late evening before she started packing her things away, and Susan appeared then.

”Richelle,” she called, stopping Richelle before walking over to her.

Richelle’s eyes flashed with befuddlement when she saw Susan since they weren’t close, but she still stopped in her tracks and asked, ”What’s up?”

”Nothing. I just noticed that you’re still around, so I thought to have a little chat with you.” A scheming look flickered briefly in Susan’s eyes as she chuckled softly. ”Frankly, I think there’s no need for you to practice so hard now. Miss Sofia has already accepted Tessa as her apprentice, and she probably won’t accept anyone else for now.”

Richelle scowled when she heard Susan’s disparaging remark. One could say that Susan had stepped on Richelle’s minefield when she said all those things.

angrily, ”What’s it got to do with you whether

just feel so terrible for you. You’ve been in the band for a few years, and everyone knows you want to be Miss Sofia’s student. Just when you thought

then, as she considered how Richelle was now clearly foaming at the

fists in outrage as

bluntly, ”I know that you hate Tessa. However, if you

as she blurted, ”Why would you

to see Tessa disappear from her life, nothing in life was free. So it was only natural for her to regard Susan warily. She couldn’t believe that someone would help her out of

and she chuckled lightly before saying mysteriously, ”Just think of me as doing a good deed. Or maybe, you don’t want to teach Tessa

piece, she pretended to leave. Then, just as she anticipated, Richelle’s somewhat agitated voice echoed from behind her. ”How are you

swayed by her words. With that thought in mind, Susan couldn’t help the gleeful smirk that painted across her face when she heard Richelle’s question due to

wiped clean of all other emotions. She merely took out the sheet music which she had stolen from her handbag and passed

gave her a puzzled look.

as she hinted, ”I think Tessa dropped this by accident, and it seems

didn’t finish her sentence, Richelle already understood

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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