Chapter 964 Get Back the Score

”What has Tessa ever done to you? Why did you do this?!” Sofia questioned in a deep, imposing voice. Tessa also turned to stare at Richelle in disgruntlement. She, of all people, wanted to know just why this woman would do such a thing.

Richelle felt so wronged and upset under their sharp, piercing gaze that she simply blurted all the dissatisfaction she had bottled up inside her.

”I did this because I admire you very much and want to be your student, but you didn’t have any thoughts of making me your student.” She sobbed, choked on her tears as though she was the victim, and whined, ”I know that you have high expectations, and maybe I have yet to reach your requirements. For the past couple of years, I’ve been practicing so hard, but you still didn’t pay any attention to me and even accepted Tessa as your last apprentice. I’m jealous of that and slowly began to resent her, so I…”

Tessa was dumbfounded when she heard Richelle’s complaints and felt that this disaster had descended upon her out of nowhere.

Sofia felt equally conflicted as she didn’t think that Richelle would go to such extremes just because she didn’t accept her as her student. Therefore, she set her sights on Tessa and brazenly took revenge on her instead.

At this moment, she was so overwhelmed with disappointment that she could only say, ”Although I do look at talent when I accept an apprentice, there are also other factors, such as a musician’s intuition.”

had and would never consider Richelle as a possible candidate to be her apprentice. When Richelle understood this, she was

Sofia continued sharply, and Richelle gave her a hurt look. Nevertheless, Sofia ignored her and said sternly, ”I want you to apologize to Tessa now. Otherwise, I would have to ask you to leave. My band cannot accommodate someone

white, and because the last thing she wanted was to be fired from the band, she eventually chose to apologize. ”I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have sold your music to someone else because I was

her head hung low and her shoulders hunched, but Tessa didn’t have any sympathy for her. In her opinion,

with a condition as she replied coldly, ”Although I accept your apology, you’ll have to get my sheet music back if you want

all, this sheet music was her gift to Nicholas, and she didn’t want anyone to misuse

over Richelle’s face at her words because she knew Vernon’s character. It was literally impossible to retrieve the sheet music

”Since Tessa had already said that, get the sheet music back, and we’ll sweep this issue under

bullet and agree. So then, on the very same

original score to you?” Vernon

across from him, nodded without any confidence. ”That’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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