Chapter 965 You Don’t Know Me

Richelle didn’t expect that her threat would fall flat as Vernon merely sneered as he taunted, ”Why should I be afraid? This is a scandal within your band, to begin with. So, even if word of this got out, it would only add to my already bad reputation. However, the Sofia Symphony has more to lose. So, I would advise you to let this go.”

Although his words were appalling, she couldn’t find fault in his logic. Unfortunately, he was right; to him, it would only make his ill reputation worse, but it would leave a terrible mark on their orchestra.

Out of wits, she could only reluctantly leave empty-handed.

Back at the band, Sofia immediately called her to the office when she knew that she had returned. But, then, she requested Tessa’s presence almost in the same breath, hoping against all hope that Richelle had somehow gotten Vernon to return the music score.

Sofia’s face was austere as she fixed her steely eyes on Richelle, and Tessa was also watching her intently. ”What did he say when you went to look for him?”

Richelle didn’t dare to hide anything under their interrogative glares and told them about her conversation with Vernon.

”That’s roughly it, and he doesn’t want me to look for him again after this.”

How can there be such a shameless person in this world?! Sofia thought, fuming mad.

the same time, she felt that he was

of the day, Richelle had made it clear that this was her

no way she would

mind, and she tilted her head, saying, ”Miss Sofia, I would like to meet this

agreed once she saw the

someone to contact

they met Vernon in a private

to see Sofia on the couch as he didn’t think she would handle this in person. But then, his eyes fell on Tessa next to her, and

owner of that

would never imagine Miss Sofia coming forward personally for this matter. I’m

there was not a single shard of fear. If anything,

involved, the more unlikely they would be willing to drag the matter to court. Therefore, the current situation was more

music industry, so she read him like a book and said stoically, ”The music you stole is composed by my student for her husband. You couldn’t be more off the mark if you think I’m going

knew how badly it would affect Sofia’s status if things got out

finally agreed,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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