Chapter 966 Let Me Handle It

Vernon’s tone was brazen and arrogant and sounded nothing like a professional musician. If one were to make a comparison, he would come closer to being likened to a typical bully. ”Whatever it is, this music is mine, and I’ve had so many lawsuits over the years that another one doesn’t make a difference.”

Tessa’s face was livid with fury, and Sofia didn’t bother hiding the displeased scowl on her face.

Then, she narrowed her eyes dangerously as she threatened, ”Aren’t you afraid I’ll ruin your career?”

”Of course, I’m afraid when this threat originates from your lips, Miss Sofia. But I’m clearly not at fault this time, so you can’t just abuse your power because you aren’t satisfied with the outcome, right?”

While he taunted and laughed boisterously, Tessa barely held on to her sanity as she gritted her teeth and thought, I’ve never met such an outrageous person!

Finally, she inhaled deeply as she squashed her anger into a box. She knew right then that this man wouldn’t budge even if they continued the negotiations. ”Alright, I’ll do as you suggest. Please await my lawyer’s letter, Mr. Vernon.”

That night, Tessa was in a foul mood when she returned home. As she didn’t bother masking the frown on her face, Nicholas pulled her into a seat next to himself after he sent Gregory away, asking, ”What happened? The issue isn’t settled yet?”

She didn’t see the need to conceal such a matter from him and told him everything word for word. Eventually, she was so worked up at the end that she couldn’t help herself from exclaiming, ”I’ve never met such a shameless person in my life!”

lowered his eyes at his angry wife in his arms. So,

It’s not worth it for me to get so riled up over this

composed herself and said calmly, ”I’ll get a lawyer tomorrow

this. Just focus on

too exhausted, he decided to deal with this problem personally. Tessa

to ask the company’s legal team to draft a lawyer’s letter.

and sent it to various media outlets to expose Vernon’s

had finally repented and come up with good music. Alas, all the praises

changed man and specially bought his music online to support him. Who knew


‘Boycott this thief.’

argued with me. Now

recording, I wanted to give this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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