Chapter 981 Art Is Inspired by Life

”Mr. Brooks, you didn’t know I was trying my best to compliment you? Oh, the hurt.” While she said that, she clutched her chest, pretending as if his words stabbed her.

Meanwhile, Scott’s gaze was outrageously gentle as he looked at the mischievous Tessa across from him. Later, with a pleasant tone, he said, ”In that case, you should praise me more. Perhaps I’ll have a clue after hearing more of it.”

”How unexpected! Mr. Brooks, why didn’t I realize you were such a narcissist before?”

Tessa pretended to look at Scott in astonishment.

Scott was a little embarrassed when he saw the shock on Tessa’s face.

In truth, this was his first time cracking such a joke in front of anyone.

So, he let out a light cough. Then, he swiftly changed the topic and said, ”Let’s talk about the problem that’s troubling you.”

When she saw that he got straight to business, she, too, cast aside her humor as she explained her current situation.

”My problem now is that I have encountered a bottleneck phase. Miss Sofia asked me to take a walk with my friends to get some fresh air and ease up my tension. But I think: although bottleneck is the problem I’m facing, I still lack knowledge in music theory. In fact, I can’t even understand some of the suggestions Miss Sofia has given me.”

tell him about her problems as she thought Scott was


Miss Sofia’s advice to you is very pertinent. So,

look around when I don’t have inspiration for my composition. Inspiration comes from the littlest of things, and it’s a rather difficult thing for me to explain. But perhaps you would find it when

time, she inwardly

generate motivation to write from life. Then we’ll grasp that motivation to have a vague idea of what we want and

with his words.

hear that.” Scott pursed his lips and

she even insisted on treating

ways and returned

music over their dinner, Gregory had already eaten his

so while he waited for Tessa to come home, he was fooling

were programmers present, they would discover that

his incredible talent in this field and his wickedly high

high intelligence. Because of this, he went from teaching Gregory

who assigned the intermediate programming activity to

in the living room was pretty quiet. Only the sound of Gregory typing on the

sound of footsteps coming from outside. Almost immediately, he threw

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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