Chapter 982 Breakthrough

When Tessa was done going through her notes, Gregory also completed his homework. Later, Tessa had initially intended to take Gregory to wash up and rest.

Nevertheless, Gregory wasn’t sleepy. Instead, he tugged Tessa’s hand and said he wanted to talk to his baby sister. Tessa naturally couldn’t bring herself to refuse.

After a while, Gregory’s innocent remarks echoed throughout the room. He shared his daily life with the baby in the hope that the baby would become more familiar with him.

Meanwhile, Tessa looked at him fondly. At that moment, she only felt that days like these were peaceful and beautiful.

When it was almost time to rest, Tessa urged Gregory to turn in for the night.

Unfortunately, he still wanted to talk to the baby more and was reluctant to part with his baby sister.

“Mommy, let me talk to the baby sister for a while longer.”

Although she felt amused, she still coaxed him, “That’s enough for today. Rest early. I’ll take you out for a walk tomorrow and invite your Godmother to join us too.”

Gregory jumped for joy when he heard that he was going to have an outing with Tessa.

“Okay. I’ll go to sleep now.”

Right after he had said that he was already laying down on the bed.

When she looked at the excited Gregory, she chuckled softly. Then, she wished him good night and left to retire for the night.

following day, Mona came bright and

I’m here to

she entered, she went straight to Gregory and

a bright


the three set off to go shopping after they had their breakfast. They ate, drank, and had

to the amusement park in the

the rides with Gregory. So it was Mona who took


share his experiences for each ride he played with

son, who

pencil she carried with

bit of childlike melody yet a deep meaning after she returned home

Tessa took Gregory to the

wait to show Sofia the song

this song? I composed it based on my sudden inspiration when

looked at it with a serious demeanor. She also hummed a few melodies while she was looking through

hand, Tessa looked at her

This song has a light tempo and a childlike vibe. However, I can see your expectations for your child if we interpret the

You can see through the inspiration of my

Sofia’s compliments. However, she also

“Flatterer. Did you have one of Greg’s

always been

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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