Chapter 993 Saving Kieran

Edward and the police officer received the news simultaneously that there were not more than ten kidnappers in the area. However, Edward was still worried, ”Did you manage to see Vice President Sawyer?”

”Yes,” his subordinate replied while nodding his head. Then, he added, ”How is he? Is he hurt?”

”It was too dark, and I couldn’t see him clearly. But judging from his movements, it looks like he’s fine.” Edward breathed a sigh of relief at those words.

At that moment, a police officer’s voice came through the walkie-talkie, ”We’ve cleared out the scene, Mr. Jackson. Should we go in together in about a minute to save Master Kieran?”

”Yes, but be careful not to let the kidnappers harm Vice President Sawyer,” Edward ordered before switching off the walkie-talkie and signaling to his men to get ready for the rescue.

In the dark of the night, a group of ten agile men quietly approached the food factory. It was still and silent, but the air was humid, hinting at the storm that was coming.

The kidnappers in the food factory did not realize their idle time was about to end in a flurry of movement.

men suddenly burst in that they realized they

they laid their terrified eyes on the police that came out

the kidnappers’ group shouted, and the rest

Edward were taken aback

after them. You

Edward and went with the other officers

care in the world. Edward burst through the door with his men and saw the unscathed Kieran before he heaved a huge sigh

untie him and apologized, ”I’m sorry, Vice President Sawyer. My negligence

wrists and replied darkly, ”It’s not your fault. You wouldn’t be able to prevent this no matter what because

he felt the worry and

was usually laid-back, he was still sensible. So it seemed like

overthinking matters, Kieran’s dark voice rang in his ear again. ”Managed to

They can’t run away.” Indeed, Edward was right. None of the kidnappers escaped

the man who had warned him previously, and he walked over with a gloomy

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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