Chapter 994 Remember This Lesson

”I don’t know who’s behind this, Master Kieran. We just had to follow the orders.” The man did not dare hide anything and told him truthfully.

Unfortunately, Kieran did not believe a word and thought he was lying. ”You don’t know? Then how did you receive the money? You think I have a good temper, huh?” He stepped on the man’s chest harshly.

A shriek escaped the man’s lips as he pleaded. ”Please, Master Kieran. I really don’t know. He contacted us online and said we just needed to kidnap you, but we can’t hurt you.”

Kieran was puzzled when he heard such a bizarre explanation. Can’t hurt me? What’s the point of kidnapping me, then?

Kieran looked at the wimpy man below him and figured he wouldn’t dare lie to him and stopped interrogating him.

”Bring these people back with you for the investigation. I need to know who it is behind the scenes.” He passed the cowardly man to the police.

The leading officer nodded and promised, ”Rest assured, Master Kieran. We will get to the bottom of this.”

Kieran just nodded and met up with his father, with Edward tailing beside him.

scratch. But, even though he knew that

return home in one piece, she ran into his arms to give him a bear

me so worried! Thank god you’re okay.” She embraced Kieran tightly

his mother in this state, he was at a loss on what to do to

How could

compose herself, she suddenly hit Kieran on the shoulder with teary eyes that were still

unexpected smack made him grimace as his

happened to you comforting me? Why did you suddenly hit me? Come on. I just escaped from a dangerous situation. Am I not your son?” He looked at

I wish you weren’t my biological son! Your brother is so

I compare to

spirits and asked for Tobias’

eyes that basically said, ‘you’re

look, he was heartbroken. So I must be

inner thoughts, Tobias questioned, ”I’m also suspecting if you truly are my

turned around

was at the airport when he received the call. Even though Tobias asked him not to return, he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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