Always Been Yours

Chapter 1019

Chapter 1019 Ninety Points

“Are you not in a position to reveal it or are you afraid of causing a scandal?” “So that means that your orchestra is admitting to the scandal, and Sofia really is protecting the culprit.”

The surrounding media relentlessly fired one sharp question after another at the person in charge, who had no choice but to reply to some questions at his discretion.

“The accident occurred during Group Six’s performance on stage is indeed premeditated, and we have already requested the police to take part in the investigation. However, we don’t have any leads, and we are not trying to cover for the culprit.”

Because of his words, the incident began trending on the internet. Meanwhile, although Tessa had heard about this incident, she did not pay much attention to it as all of her focus was now on recording her composition. After warming up with the first two pieces, she was in good shape as she recorded the third piece, which turned out smoothly.

Simon complimented her with relief, “At first, I was worried that you would be affected by the net, but now it seems that I was worrying too much.”

placed her violin down before walking out of the recording studio expectantly, asking, “Mr. Simon, how do you

Simon praised her generously without any hesitation, and his words elicited a delighted smile to bloom on

at him. “In that case, if

said that it was perfect. Shouldn’t it be a hundred?” Tessa blinked,

might get arrogant if I gave you full marks, so I took ten points

still meant that her piece scored full marks in Simon’s heart. At that thought, she grew a little emotional. It was

Simon, just give me a hundred. Don’t worry, I’ll never be

her a new score. However, no matter how she begged and whined, Simon simply teased her and did not change

She had finished handling the orchestra’s affairs and had taken

this, Tessa immediately tattled to her. “Miss Sofia, Mr. Simon said that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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